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Exploring enhancement-led approaches to managing quality SHEEC and the Enhancement Themes Rowena Pelik, Director QAA Scotland Republic of South Africa’s.

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Presentation on theme: "Exploring enhancement-led approaches to managing quality SHEEC and the Enhancement Themes Rowena Pelik, Director QAA Scotland Republic of South Africa’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 Exploring enhancement-led approaches to managing quality SHEEC and the Enhancement Themes Rowena Pelik, Director QAA Scotland Republic of South Africa’s CHE visit to Scotland September 2015

2 The Scottish Higher Education Enhancement Committee (SHEEC) SHEEC is the committee of Vice Principals Learning and Teaching which oversees the direction of enhancement activity in the Scottish university sector Its vision is…A vibrant, reflective, collegial community of higher education leaders, promoting a culture of quality enhancement to empower staff and students and improve the experience of higher education in Scotland

3 SHEEC: main work strands Oversees and provides strategic direction for: The Enhancement and the Themes – enhancement enhancement – Learning from International Practice projects – international-practice international-practice Focus on… projects – Evaluations and critical reflections –Eg: project project

4 SHEEC: Membership Vice Principals Learning and Teaching (or equivalent) Sector agencies attend (SFC, HEA, sparqs etc.) Managed and supported by QAA Scotland Normally meets three times a year

5 Enhancement Themes Topics are chosen, planned and directed by SHEEC the Scottish Higher Education Enhancement Committee Topics are of strategic relevance to the Scottish university sector Topics are explored and developed to enhance the quality of the student learning experience through collaboration, sharing and learning across (and beyond) the sector Aim is collective ‘step change’ Funded by SFC Managed by QAA Scotland

6 How is a Theme managed? SHEEC has strategic oversight Delivery is led by the Student Transitions Theme Leaders Group (TLG) Institutional teams (staff and students) Student Transitions Student Network QAA officers work in support of each group

7 Enhancement Themes to date Assessment and Integrative assessment (2003-04) Responding to student needs (2003-04) Employability (2004-06) Flexible delivery (2004-06) First year: engagement & empowerment (2005-08) Research-teaching linkages: enhancing graduate attributes (2006-08) Graduates for the 21st century: integrating the Enhancement Themes (2008-11) Developing and supporting the curriculum (2011-14) Student Transitions (2014-17)

8 Enhancement Themes website: The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education. Registered charity numbers 1062746 and SC037786

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