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Climate and Global Change Notes 16-1 Earth’s Radiation & Energy Budget Solar Radiation Versus Latitude Budget Versus Latitude Weather Ocean Currents Science.

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Presentation on theme: "Climate and Global Change Notes 16-1 Earth’s Radiation & Energy Budget Solar Radiation Versus Latitude Budget Versus Latitude Weather Ocean Currents Science."— Presentation transcript:

1 Climate and Global Change Notes 16-1 Earth’s Radiation & Energy Budget Solar Radiation Versus Latitude Budget Versus Latitude Weather Ocean Currents Science Concepts Incident Radiation Emitted Radiation The Earth System (Kump, Kastin & Crane) Chap. 4 (pp. 58-59)

2 Climate and Global Change Notes 16-2 Global Radiation Budget Variations What do you think the global distribution of the Earth’s longwave r adiation exiting the top of the atmosphere should look like? What latitude should have the maximum emitted radiation? What latitude should have the least? What determines the amount of emitted radiation from any object?

3 Climate and Global Change Notes 16-3 Global Radiation Budget Variations Note: General decrease as move toward the poles Minimum just north of the Equator Maximum north and south of Equatorial minimum

4 Climate and Global Change Notes 16-4 Global Radiation Budget Variations Annual Average Cloud Cover Note -Minimum -Maximum

5 Climate and Global Change Notes 16-5 Global Radiation Budget Variations Net Radiation vs Latitude 400 300 200 100 0 10N 10S 30S 30N 50S 50N 90S 90N Latitude Surplus Heat Transfer Radiation Lost Radiation Received Deficit Radiation Intensity ( W / m 2 )

6 Climate and Global Change Notes 16-6 Global Radiation Budget Variations Atmospheric Heat Transfer Example -Low pressure system or midlatitude cyclone over U.S.

7 Climate and Global Change Notes 16-7 Global Radiation Budget Variations Atmospheric Heat Transfer Example -Low-pressure system off Australia

8 Climate and Global Change Notes 16-8 Global Radiation Budget Variations Atmospheric Heat Transfer Example -Hurricane Georges battering the Gulf Coast on September 28, 1998

9 Climate and Global Change Notes 16-9 Global Radiation Budget Variations Atmospheric Heat Transfer Example

10 Climate and Global Change Notes 16-10 Global Radiation Budget Variations Ocean Heat Transfer Example -Gulf Stream

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