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Air, Space and Water Denver 2011 ACS meeting Ronald C. Cohen University of California, Berkeley.

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Presentation on theme: "Air, Space and Water Denver 2011 ACS meeting Ronald C. Cohen University of California, Berkeley."— Presentation transcript:

1 Air, Space and Water Denver 2011 ACS meeting Ronald C. Cohen University of California, Berkeley

2 Keynote: Susan Solomon, NOAA/University of Colorado, Boulder The Enduring Challenges of Ozone Depletion and Climate Change: How Planetary Chemistry Is Changing Science and Society Plenary: Neil Donahue, Carnegie Mellon Of muck and molecules: Relating bulk aerosol properties to molecular behavior Russell Hemley, Carnegie Institute Washington Chemistry of planetary gases, liquids, and ices in extreme environments Alan Townsend, INSTAAR Nitrogen and the human endeavor + 1 ????

3 Symposia Air: Atmospheric Aerosols: Chemistry, Clouds, and Climate Space: Chemistry at High Pressure: Exploring the Interiors of Planets with Laboratory Experiments and Theory Chemistry as a Tool for Space Exploration and Discovery at Mars Water: Nitrogen and the Human Endeavor

4 Symposia Aquaculture and Aquaculture Feed Food for Extreme Environment Advances in Characterizing Exposure of Humans and Ecosystems to Pesticides in Surface Waters Agriculture and Air Quality: Emission Measurements and Models Agrochemical Use on Tribal Lands in the United States: Understanding Benefits, Issues and Cultural Influences Bioenergy and Biochars: Production and Uses Evaluating Agrochemical Aquatic Exposure Modeling in Relation to Risk Evaluator Needs Chemical Environmental Specific Databases and Searching Information Related to the Air, Water and our Environment Reactive Properties of Environmental Interfaces Waters

5 Symposia Bridging the Gap Between Science and Environmental Policy Chemistry of Coastal Zones Chemistry of Hydroxyl Radicals in Natural and Engineered Aqueous Systems Effects of Wildfire on Watersheds and Water Supply Emerging Issues and Solutions for Sustainable Water and Wastewater Systems Environmental Implications and Applications of Waste from the Power Industry Heterogeneous Catalysis for Sustainable Energy Applications Novel Solutions to Water Pollution Reaction Mechanisms in Environmental Organic Chemistry Recent Advances in the Study of Environmental Mass Transport Phenomena

6 Symposia Receptor Modeling for Source Apportionment and Degradation Assessment of Organic Chemicals in the Aquatic Environment Understanding Behavior and Fate of Contaminants in Vadose Zone Environments Urban Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Climate Change and Mitigating Impacts Electron Transfer at Mineral Surfaces and Biogeochemical Implications Multiscale Spatiotemporal Complexity in Geologic Carbon Sequestration: Linking Experimentation and Modeling Recycling carbon: Catalyzed conversion of non-food biomass to fuels and chemicals Water Treatment Chemistry Materials Chemistry for Solar Energy Capture Towards Earth Abundant Solar Photocatalysis

7 Symposia Nuclear Chemistry in Space Renewable Alternatives to Petroleum: Biomass for Power Generation and Fuel Production Heterogeneous Atmospheric Chemistry Polymer Coatings for the Environment, Energy, and Sustainability Polymers in Water Purification A Critical Look at Global Warming Data Water is the Next "Oil": How Small Businesses are Tapping In Human Exposure and Responses to Toxins from the Air and Water: Arsenic Metabolism and Health Effects

8 Thank you

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