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Data Entry: System structure The Trauma Audit & Research Network (TARN) Data Collection session Log into:

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Presentation on theme: "Data Entry: System structure The Trauma Audit & Research Network (TARN) Data Collection session Log into:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Data Entry: System structure The Trauma Audit & Research Network (TARN) Data Collection session Log into:

2 Electronic Data Collecting & Reporting system (EDCR) overview
Process of care & outcome data relating to eligible Trauma patients Secure on-line system ( Username & password required Patient confidentiality paramount: Names, Hospital Numbers, Full Postcodes not seen by TARN Location based system, following patient pathway: From scene to Discharge Choice of datasets: Core or Extended

3 Submission Contains all the data relating to a Patient’s incident:
Location Outcome Injuries

4 Submission Summary screen
Screen showing current STATUS of all your Hospitals’ submissions You can access any submission by clicking on number adjacent to Status You can see all submissions created by any User linked to your Hospital

5 Only Approved cases are used in Reports
Submission Status CREATED DISPATCHED APPROVED REJECTED* RETURNED* REDISPATCHED* DISPATCHED & FLAGGED AWAITING POST MORTEM** Incomplete submission, data being entered Complete submission, TARN to check Checked & coded by TARN (part of Hospital dataset) Does not fulfil inclusion criteria Additional information requested by TARN Additional information supplied by User Flagged awaiting matching Transfer or PM PM to be sent to TARN at later date (reminder sent regularly) Only Approved cases are used in Reports

6 Searching for submissions
Use any fields on SEARCH screen. FIND Results appear at bottom of screen Access relevant submission by clicking on (12 digit) Submission ID Click REPORT to convert to Excel Example: Hospital: St Elsewhere3 Admission Dates: 01/05/15-02/05/15 Status: All

7 Transfer notification system
TRANSFER NOTIFICATION: Submission Summary screen Shows Missing transfers into/from your Hospital Hover over Hospital name to show corresponding site coordinator details

8 The submission process
User: Create New Submission: Example: Hospital Holbya NHS Number: Date of Arrival: 10/01/2015 Time of Arrival: 10.00 Check for duplication Unique Submission ID generated Choose Dataset: Core or Extended Enter & Save data Validate data Dispatch

9 Standard Screens Core dataset Extended dataset

10 Core Dataset Most fields Mandatory
For standard cases Most fields Mandatory Contains: ALL Fields used in routine analysis and reporting Generic screens: Pre Hospital, ED, Critical Care Limited Observations & Interventions

11 Requested: Pre Hospital, ED and Critical Care
Generic Questions Requested: Pre Hospital, ED and Critical Care Dates Times Observations (Patient’s observed status on arrival in location)

12 Requested: Pre Hospital, ED and Critical Care
Generic Questions Requested: Pre Hospital, ED and Critical Care Interventions (non surgical procedures given to patient in that location) Attendants (Doctors who treated patient in that location)

13 Core Dataset: Observations & Interventions Pre-hospital, ED and Critical Care locations
Observations: 1st taken Respiratory rate Oxygen saturation Blood pressure Capillary refill Pulse rate Glasgow Coma Score* Pupil reactivity** Pupil size Airway status Breathing status Interventions: Airway support Breathing support Blood products in 24hrs Tranexamic Acid Chest drain Spinal protection Fluid Extubation Spinal Protection Removal Embolisation

14 *GCS: Glasgow Coma Score: GCS
Measure of a patient’s level of consciousness, taken by assessing: Eye, Verbal and Motor responses. Ranges from 15 (normal functioning) to 3 (no responses). Reduced GCS is an indication of a possible brain injury. Used in the Probability of Survival model Record: Pre Hospital, ED & at 1st hospital (Transfers in) One of most important fields in EDCR: Part of the Data Accreditation %

15 Documentation of GCS & Intubation
Rapid Sequence Intubation (RSI) sometimes performed Pre Hospital RSI: sedation & paralysis of a pt prior to Intubation GCS3 often documented in ED: THIS SHOULD NOT BE RECORDED Users should record in ED: Airway Status: Intubated Breathing Status: Ventilated GCS: No Resp Rate: No

16 **Pupil Reactivity Record: Pre Hospital, ED & Critical Care
Particularly important: When GCS is <15 or Head injury Included in future Probability of Survival model One of most important fields in EDCR: Part of the Data Accreditation % Note: PEARL (Pupils Equal & Reacting to light) Record as BRISK

17 Specialist screens BOAST4 Rehabilitation prescriptions

18 Severe Open fractures of Tibia
BOAST 4 Guideline derived from BOA & BAPRAS Severe Open fractures of Tibia TARN specialist screen used to collect data Guideline requires: Early identification of severe open fractures of the tibia Joint care from orthopaedic & plastic surgeons Surgical wound debridement & operative fracture stabilisation within 24 hours Definitive soft-tissue cover within 72 hours of injury

19 Severe Open Tibial fracture: Gustilo Anderson grade IIIB or IIIC
Gustilo Anderson Open fracture Classification Severe Open Tibial fracture: Gustilo Anderson grade IIIB or IIIC

20 Specialist screen – BOAST 4
BOAST4 screen appears if User answers “Yes” to question on the Opening section: “Does this patient have severe open lower limb fractures”?

21 BOAST4 “Did the fracture have surgical stabilisation” &
“Was definitive soft tissue cover of injury achieved” Only answer YES if procedures performed at your Hospital. BOAST4

22 Rehabilitation Prescription

23 Core Dataset: Outcome Measures screen
Note: This screen auto-populates post Injury Coding by TARN Users do not enter data into this screen

24 Validating Click here to Dispatch to TARN VALIDATE
Missing Mandatory (red) & Preferred fields (green) Mandatory fields must be corrected Click here to Dispatch to TARN

25 View Diary* Rejected submissions: Reason for rejection noted by TARN in Diary Returned submissions: Additional information requested by TARN in Diary Re-dispatched submissions: User should respond to TARN request in Diary & then Re-dispatch the submission

26 Awaiting Post Mortem**
Where selected: User should send Post Mortem to TARN when available Particularly important: Deaths in ED When sending PMs: Annonymise Include 12 digit submission ID to: or Post Mortems shredded by TARN after coding

27 Extended Dataset Complex cases Multiple ICU visits
Transfers in: bypass ED Or ADDITIONAL data points e.g. Haematology, Blood Gases, Pelvic binder All Observations, Interventions & Investigations shown Core fields remain Mandatory Extended dataset only fields: Not routinely analysed

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