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Berenise.  Jul19 -1 st game ever cancelled at Seattle Kingdome [falling tiles] Jul19 Bomb explosion in alas airlines at colon Panama, 21 killed Jul19.

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Presentation on theme: "Berenise.  Jul19 -1 st game ever cancelled at Seattle Kingdome [falling tiles] Jul19 Bomb explosion in alas airlines at colon Panama, 21 killed Jul19."— Presentation transcript:

1 Berenise

2  Jul19 -1 st game ever cancelled at Seattle Kingdome [falling tiles] Jul19 Bomb explosion in alas airlines at colon Panama, 21 killed Jul19 - leaned kvetjsma sworn in as Ukraine president Jul. 20 – Major parts of comet shoemaker- Levy hit Jupiter (July 16 th -22 nd ) Jul 20 – OJ Simpson offers $500,000 reward for evidence of ex- wife’s killer Jul-22- 23 rd & last part of comet shoemaker- Levy hit Jupiter (since July 16 th )

3  Berenise  Gender: Feminine  Usage: English, Italian, AnientGreek (Latinized)  OtherScripts:Bepevikn ( Ancient Greek) Pronounced: Berenie see (English), bereNEE-che (Italian)( key) Ancient Macedonian from of the Greek name epevikn (pherenkie), which meant bringing victory ”From (pepw)phero”to bring and vikn (nine)” victory”. This name was common among the ptolemy ruling family of Egypt. It occurs briefly in Arts in the New Testament (in most English Bibles it is spelled (Bernice) belonging to a sister of king Herod Agrippa ||. As an English name, Berenice came into use after the Protestant Reformation.

4  Birthday: July 19, 1994  or 201 months old  or 877 week old  or 6,140 days old  or 147,372 hour old  or 8,842,368 minutes old  or 530, 542,085 seconds old and your next birthday celebration is in : 68 days 11 hrs 11 mins 56 secs.

5  Overall, you are calm,cool,and collected.  You deal with rough times pretty well, but there are still things you can do to keep the stress back. Your body and mind are telling you so. You’re luckyN your life is pretty smooth. But just so you knowE School freaks you out the most. Part of the stress you feel starts with the way you Look at life. [That’s good news, because can change it) If you ever feel your stress level rising, check out some BAM chill tips or play the KABAM! Comic creator game to decompress. [And please, don’t worry about a silly quiz like this one !)

6  Words made from telephone number  631-398-7007  We found these ten-letter mnemonics:  me-13-yup-007 of-13-yup-007 me-1-ex- up-007  me-1-ex-us-007 of-1-ex-up-007 of-1-ex- us-007

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