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Shaping the Future Diesel Engine Combustion and Heat Release.

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Presentation on theme: "Shaping the Future Diesel Engine Combustion and Heat Release."— Presentation transcript:

1 Shaping the Future Diesel Engine Combustion and Heat Release

2 The Dual Cycle  The Dual Cycle traditionally provides best represents the ideal combustion process within a modern diesel  Two parts –  Constant Volume  Constant Pressure  Theoretically for the same swept volume the work area is greater than the SI Cycle – higher BMEP  What is the actual combustion like?

3 Compression Ignition Combustion Into a compressed air charge a rapidly vapourising fuel spray is injected, after an ‘ignition’ delay auto or spontaneous ignition occurs at local centres within the combustion chamber with favourable local fuel preparation, air mixing and temperatures. Mean air-fuel ratios tend to be much greater than stoichiometric (typically 20 ~ 70:1) After ignition CI combustion is generally considered to progress in three phases; Premix Burning Diffusion Burning Combustion Tail

4 Combustion Visualisation

5 CI Combustion – Ignition Delay


7 Ignition Delay

8 CI Combustion – Premix  The Premix burning phase is the name given to the very rapid initial turbulent combustion of the fuel/air mixture that has been prepared during ignition delay  The longer the ignition delay period the more significant the Premix burning phase – eg at idle  Premix burning causes the very high rates of pressure rise associated with CI systems and is often the primary cause of combustion derived noise and high max cylinder pressures.  During Premix burning anything from 80% to 30% of the charge may be burnt – load depending

9 CI Combustion – Premix

10 Premix Combustion CI Combustion – Premix

11 Combustion Noise  Premix Combustion causes rapid rise in cylinder pressure which can induce combustion noise (diesel knock)  Desired is reduction of pre-mixed phase  Possible through pre-injections

12 CI Combustion – Diffusion  The Diffusion burning phase is used to define the burning of the fuel spray ‘as it enters the chamber’  The rate of burn of this phase is controlled by the rate of fuel injection and the rate of mixing (diffusion) of the fuel and air at the fuel spray boundaries  In-cylinder bulk air motion is critical to enhance mixing and so promote diffusion burning rates  Diffusion burn tend to be slower than Premix and last longer

13 CI Combustion – Diffusion

14 Diffusion Combustion CI Combustion – Diffusion

15 Diffusion Combustion CI Combustion – Dual Cycle Premix Combustion

16 CI Combustion – Tail  As with SI combustion, CI combustion is slowed as it ‘hits’ the chamber walls  Heat transfer effects from the combusting gases to the chamber walls cool the combustion and slow or ‘freeze’ the chemical reactions  The CI combustion tail tends to be significant in length  Incomplete CI combustion is the primary cause of particulates and soot 

17  Combustion is generally longer than SI (eg ignition delay) this limits the engine max speed (and power) – particularly on small diesels (500 cc per cylinder)  Part load operation is through air-fuel quality (not quantity) and hence operates at very lean AFRs. Compared to SI this reduces T max (and hence NOx) and slightly increases γ (ratio of specific heats) during expansion (better efficiency)  Diesel ‘knock’ at light load – due to premix combustion (long ignition delay)  CI combustion benefits from charge compression (turbocharging) – SI combustion does not CI Combustion - Observations

18 Recall – Mass Fraction Burn Diagram  The Mass Fraction Burn can be deduced from Cylinder Pressure Diagrams  Mass Fraction Burn the diagrams can give good information about the progress of the various stages of the combustion Combustion Burn Duration

19 Mass Fraction Burn Diagrams Rate of Burn or Heat Release

20 CI Rate of Burn – Heat Release This is a rate diagram, its integral will give a cumulative burn diagram – similar to the mass fraction burn diagram of SI Combustion Diffusion Combustion Premix Combustion

21 Combustion Optimisation Objectives; Minimise Ignition Delay Achieve good fuel air mixing Combustion completed soon after TDC Note – the higher the engine speed the greater the mixing requirement since the time for combustion is shorter Requirements; Good port entry and incylinder air flow management Good injection systems

22 Engine Operating Parameters Engine Speed :  Ignition delay increases generally linearly with engine speed, once chemical reaction kinetics dominate over physical mixing effects Charge Temperature & Pressure  Ignition delay reduces with charge temperature and pressure EGR  Ignition delay slightly increases with EGR (not a great effect) Effects on Ignition Delay

23 Engine Operating Parameters Impact of Load and Fuel Cetane Number on Ignition Delay;  Require short ignition delay to control; noise, NOx and overall combustion duration (hence engine speed)  Cetane Number – Ignition quality index (15 to 100), higher the better  High loads > high temps > low ignition delay (unless engine is cold – reverse applies due to cooling effect of fuel) Effects on Ignition Delay

24 Engine Operating Parameters Effects on Combustion Rate.. Effect of Charge Temperature on Premix Combustion Effect of Injection Pressure on Premix & Diffusion Combustion

25 Engine Operating Parameters Combustion Effects - Summary PreMixDiffusion

26 Combustion “Measurement” Combustion “Analyser” Processed Pressure Data Pressure Transducer Charge Amplifier Crankshaft Position Sensor (Encoder)

27 Combustion “Measurement”



30 Thank You for Listening

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