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 Sensorimotor  Preoperational  Concrete Operational  Formal Operational.

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2  Sensorimotor  Preoperational  Concrete Operational  Formal Operational

3  Growth spurt  Secondary Sex Characteristics (Chest, Hips, Body Hair)  Primary Sex Characteristics (Menarche)

4  Growth spurt  Secondary Sex Characteristics (Body Hair, Deeper Voice)  Primary Sex Characteristics (Spermarche)

5  Early boys may have advantage  Early girls may be at disadvantage  Early bloomers more drug/alcohol experiment, trouble with law  Early girls, late boys more psych/social problems  Late bloomers feel inferior, sensitive to differences

6  Hypothetical  Abstract  Introspection  Rationalization  Idealistic / Messianic Complex

7  Hall – Storm & Stress, Theory of Recapitulation  Lewin – Marginal Man  Havighurst – Stress minimal, gradually move through developmental tasks

8  Trust v Mistrust  Autonomy v Shame & Doubt  Initiative v Guilt  Industry v Inferiority  Identity v Role Confusion  Intimacy v Isolation  Generativity v Stagnation  Integrity v Despair

9  Struggle through identity crisis  See self as distinct person  Have a feeling of wholeness  Continuity of self over time  Way you see you is way others see you

10  Sexual Orientation  Vocational Direction  Set of Values/ Ideals  Decision making pd / active exploration (crisis)  Allegiance to decision (commitment)

11  Diffused  Foreclosed  Moratorium  Achieved

12  Authoritarian  Authoritative  Permissive - indulgent  Permissive - neglectful

13  Cliques dvp gender and sex identity  Foster conformity  Positive / Negative Peer Pressure

14  Peers  Parents  Ethnicity/Race  Gender  Crisis Resolution  Society

15  Peek ages 18-25  IQ increases  Physical peak – strength/reflexes  Intimacy v Isolation  Trying 20s  Age 30 Crisis

16  Hair, Skin, Muscle Changes  Sensations Decline  Menopause  Decline reaction time  Empty nest syndrome  Generativity v Stagnation  Midlife Transition  Midlife Crisis

17  Decline muscle / sensory  Health problems (diabetes, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, heart disease)  Memory loss (dementia, alzheimers)  Retirement  Widowhood  Integrity v Despair  Ageism

18  Denial  Anger  Bargaining  Depression  Acceptance

19  15 Questions Reviewing Prenatal-Early Childhood Dvpt (including Piaget & Kohlberg)  ~ 35 Multiple Choice/Matching Questions  2 Short Answers (Will have choice)

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