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Advancing bicycling through unified state and local advocacy organizations Thunderhead Alliance 50 States/50 Cities Project Complete Streets Pro Walk/Pro.

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Presentation on theme: "Advancing bicycling through unified state and local advocacy organizations Thunderhead Alliance 50 States/50 Cities Project Complete Streets Pro Walk/Pro."— Presentation transcript:

1 Advancing bicycling through unified state and local advocacy organizations Thunderhead Alliance 50 States/50 Cities Project Complete Streets Pro Walk/Pro Bike September 8, 2004

2 Advancing bicycling through unified state and local advocacy organizations Barbara McCann McCann Consulting The Scoop on Complete Streets

3 Advancing bicycling through unified state and local advocacy organizations Sue Knaup Thunderhead Alliance The 50 States/50 Cities Project Role in Complete Streets

4 Advancing bicycling through unified state and local advocacy organizations Local Successes Alabama Bicycle Coalition First Meeting!

5 Advancing bicycling through unified state and local advocacy organizations Local Successes San Francisco Bicycle Coalition City Hall Bicycle Garage

6 Advancing bicycling through unified state and local advocacy organizations Local Successes Washington Area Bicyclist Association More than 8000 cyclists line up in the shadow of the US Capitol dome for the start of Bike DC

7 Advancing bicycling through unified state and local advocacy organizations Estimated Bicycling Mode Share (Year 2000)

8 Advancing bicycling through unified state and local advocacy organizations Miles of trails, lanes, and routes

9 Advancing bicycling through unified state and local advocacy organizations Fatalities

10 Advancing bicycling through unified state and local advocacy organizations Regional funding levels for bicycling (CMAQ)

11 Advancing bicycling through unified state and local advocacy organizations Complete Streets example Bicycle Transportation Alliance leads a bike education class on an Ashland, Oregon complete street

12 Advancing bicycling through unified state and local advocacy organizations Complete Streets example Prescott Alternative Transportation volunteers install bike route signs

13 Advancing bicycling through unified state and local advocacy organizations Allen Turnbull BikeWalk Virginia Steps to Winning Complete Streets

14 Advancing bicycling through unified state and local advocacy organizations VDOT Steering Committee 1 2 Divisions/Departments comprised the VDOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Steering Committee

15 Advancing bicycling through unified state and local advocacy organizations VDOT Steering Committee Commonwealth Transportation Board Commissioner's Staff District General Administration District Construction Administration District Maintenance Administration Residency Administration

16 Advancing bicycling through unified state and local advocacy organizations VDOT Steering Committee State Location and Design State Local Assistance Division State Asset Management Administration State Programming State Policy Division Dept. of Rail and Public Transportation

17 Advancing bicycling through unified state and local advocacy organizations Stakeholder Working Group 1 5 Divisions/Departments or Agencies comprised the Stakeholder Working Group

18 Advancing bicycling through unified state and local advocacy organizations Stakeholder Working Group Bicyclists Pedestrians Disabled Urban Area Locality Rural Area Locality Metropolitan Planning Organization Regional Rural Transportation Planning Federal Highway Administration

19 Advancing bicycling through unified state and local advocacy organizations Stakeholder Working Group Dept. of Rail and Public Transportation Commissioner’s Staff VDOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Program VDOT Residency Office VDOT Local Assistance Div. VDOT Location and Design Div. VDOT Asset Management Div.

20 Advancing bicycling through unified state and local advocacy organizations Project Timeline 2003 April – Secretary of Transportation announces Directive at 5 th annual BWV conference July – 1st mtg. Stakeholder Group Aug. – Andy Clarke gives “perfect” presentation to Stakeholders Sept. – User’s on-line survey Oct/Dec. – Policy Development 2004 Jan/Feb – Public Comment March – Formal Adoption by Commonwealth Transportation Board April – Secretary of Transportation announces NEW policy at 6 th annual BWV conference

21 Advancing bicycling through unified state and local advocacy organizations Mele Williams League of American Bicyclists Your Role in Implementing Complete Streets

22 Advancing bicycling through unified state and local advocacy organizations Essential Factors Must have adopted a “complete streets” policy Must result in improved policy framework (including evaluation and auditing element)

23 Advancing bicycling through unified state and local advocacy organizations Important Factors Strength of local advocacy movement Good working relationship with state/local agencies Showcase success to influential MOCs State/locality is good example to others Project will result in specific bike/ped projects Unique opportunity and timing Increased cycling, decreased crashes

24 Advancing bicycling through unified state and local advocacy organizations South Carolina “…be it resolved that the SCDOT Commission…affirms that bicycling and walking accommodations should be a routine part of the department’s planning, design, construction and operating activities, and will be included in the everyday operations of our transportation system.”

25 Advancing bicycling through unified state and local advocacy organizations South Carolina “…be it further resolved, that the SCDOT Commission requires SC counties and municipalities to make bicycling and pedestrian improvements an integral part of their transportation planning and programming where State or Federal Highway funding is utilized.”

26 Advancing bicycling through unified state and local advocacy organizations Phase I: Fact- Finding Determine current awareness and commitment w/in state DOT and other agencies –Aware, supportive and actively implementing? –What barriers or perceived barriers are there? –Who needs to be involved?

27 Advancing bicycling through unified state and local advocacy organizations Phase II: Training and Education BFC Workshops Bicycle Facility Planning and Design Advocacy Training Presentations and Briefings as Needed (City Councils, Mayors, legislators, press, etc.) Conference Workshops

28 Advancing bicycling through unified state and local advocacy organizations Phase III: Evaluation Follow-up interviews and surveys Reports –Numbers trained –Press coverage –Specific changes to transportation projects/programs –Manual/document updates –Other demonstrable changes Final presentation to State DOT

29 Advancing bicycling through unified state and local advocacy organizations Thank You! Thunderhead Alliance: Benchmarking: McCann Consulting: BikeWalk Virginia: League of American Bicyclists:

30 Advancing bicycling through unified state and local advocacy organizations Arlington, VA: Columbia Pike near Four Mile Run “Before”

31 Advancing bicycling through unified state and local advocacy organizations Arlington, VA: Columbia Pike near Four Mile Run “After”

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