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Julie Skallman State Aid Division Director & State Aid Engineer.

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Presentation on theme: "Julie Skallman State Aid Division Director & State Aid Engineer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Julie Skallman State Aid Division Director & State Aid Engineer

2  The purpose of the state aid program is to provide resources to assist local governments with the construction and maintenance of community-interest highways and streets on the state-aid system. 2

3  The goals of the state aid program are to provide users of secondary highways and streets with:  Safe highways and streets  Adequate mobility and structural capacity on highways and streets  An integrated transportation network  State Aid administers funding that supports more than 120,000 miles of roadway and almost 14,700 bridges. 3

4 Division Director/State Aid Engineer Deputy State Aid Engineer Information Resources Needs Studies Project Delivery State Aid Programs District State Aid Offices Program Support Specialists Finance Bridge/Hydraulics Cultural Resources Labor Compliance “Central Office” Program Support Spec. Traffic Safety Wetland Construction Practices Materials 4

5  Minnesota Statutes  Minnesota Rules  Standards for Rural & Urban designs  Complete Streets  Natural Preservation Routes, Forest Highway  Variance Procedures  Federal Aid Projects  Stewardship Plan 5

6 What is Included in the State Supported System?  TH = Trunk Highway  CSAH = County State Aid Highway  87 Counties  MSAS = Municipal State Aid Street  142 Cities Over 5000  Town Road & Bridge 6

7 Trunk Highways – 11,897 miles TRUNK HIGHWAY MILES -11,878 7

8 STATE AID ROUTES: CSAH - 30,609 miles MSAS - 3,597 miles Trunk Highways – 11,897 miles 8

9 LOCAL ROADS– 91,502 Trunk Highways – 11,897 miles STATE AID ROUTES: CSAH - 30,609 MSAS - 3,597 TOTAL MILES– 137,586 TRUNK HIGHWAY MILES-11,878 9

10 Funding  95% of highway user funds are distributed as follows:  62% to the trunk highway fund  29% to county state aid highway fund  9% to the municipal state aid fund  The remaining 5% is set aside for these three funds:  Town Road Account  Town Bridge Account  Flexible Highway Account 10

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12  CSAH funds are computed as follows:  50% “Needs”  30% CSAH lane miles  10% Motor Vehicle Registration  10% Equalization  2008 Excess sum:  60% “Needs”  40% Motor Vehicle Registration  For 2013, it is approximately $483 million 12

13  40% of the regular and municipal state aid allocation is set aside for maintenance of the county state aid system  60% is set aside for construction costs 13

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15  MSAS funds are computed as follows:  50% “Needs”  50% Population  For 2013, it is approximately $149 million 15

16  15-35% of the state aid allocation is set aside for maintenance, as requested by the city  65-85% is set aside for construction costs 16

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18  2013 Total Available Amount is $89M  Funds 3 Accounts ◦ Town Bridge Account -$14M ◦ Town Road Account -$27M ◦ Flexible Highway Account -$48M 18

19 How is State Aid Governed?  State Aid is governed by three entities:  Screening Boards  Rules Committee  Variance Committee 19

20 Julie Skallman State Aid Division Director and State Aid Engineer Phone: 651-366-4831 Email: Rick Kjonaas Deputy State Aid Engineer Phone:651-366-3802 Email: 20

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