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Explanation In this LAP Learning Goal, I will be showing that I understand the material taught to me. I will do so by creating a “Pinterest” page, including.

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Presentation on theme: "Explanation In this LAP Learning Goal, I will be showing that I understand the material taught to me. I will do so by creating a “Pinterest” page, including."— Presentation transcript:

1 Explanation In this LAP Learning Goal, I will be showing that I understand the material taught to me. I will do so by creating a “Pinterest” page, including pictures, videos, and explanations. I will have “boards” or slides for each of the topics we learned which will include these pictures, videos, and explanations. This medium will explain the LAP Learning Goal in more of a visual way rather than it being written out in words. There will also be explanations which will either explain the picture or video more in depth or the overall topic more in depth. There will also be links to website that include pictures, statistics, and deeper explanations to the topics learned.

2 Rachel Knobbe D’Agostino Social Justice-Hope LLG3 Social Injustices For The Marginalized Of Society

3 Individualism and Consumerism There are people in the US that are unemployed and are making no money, but still decide to spend their money on expensive products that fulfill their individual wants. However, people in other countries are working for their money and not spending it on things that want but rather things they need. http://www.examiner.c om/article/what-is- consumerism-and- why-is-it-so-important- to-all-of-us article/31222/numbers -how-americans- spend-their-money EQHg30 Video that shows what all we are destroying to get what we want. We destroy so much to get what we want and don’t realize it until we actually see what we are doing. This video shows us what we are doing to the world.

4 Poverty 21% of children’s families are below the federal poverty line which is $22,341/ year for a family of 4. 28% of children in the middle class drop below the poverty line as an adult—this chance is increased by lack of education, singlehood, and divorce. Every 32 seconds a baby is born into poverty in the U.S. Children of poor parents are less likely to remain poor if they are educated.

5 Poverty To get a closer look at this picture: http://billm /2012/07/1 8/top-10- things- you- should- know- about- poverty-in- america/ http://billm /2012/07/1 8/top-10- things- you- should- know- about- poverty-in- america/ The eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) – which range from halving extreme poverty to halting the spread of HIV/AIDS and providing universal primary education, all by the target date of 2015 – form a blueprint agreed to by all the world’s countries and all the world’s leading development institutions. They have galvanized unprecedented efforts to meet the needs of the world’s poorest.

6 Poverty “The crisis of unemployment and poverty in America continues to worsen.” http://www.socialis overty_and_unem ployment_in_amer.html http://www.socialis overty_and_unem ployment_in_amer.html “There are a number of practical activities that you can undertake right now to help end extreme poverty.” ofpoverty/howtohelp ofpoverty/howtohelp Short video on what poverty is and some statistics about poverty.

7 Welfare -Total number of Americans on welfare: 4,300,000 -Total number of Americans on food stamps: 46,700,000 -Total number of Americans on unemployment insurance: 5,600,000 Many Americans are unhappy with the welfare system and are saying that people are abusing the system. People are not applying for jobs, having more children just to get more aid, and staying unmarried to qualify for greater benefits. -Total percent of the US population on welfare: 4.1% -Total government spending on welfare annually (not including food stamps or unemployment insurance): $131.9 billion

8 Welfare The type and amount of aid available to individuals varies from state to state. Most states offer basic aid such as health care, food stamps, child care assistance, unemployment, cash aid, and housing assistance. An estimated one in seven Americans is living is relative poverty which raises questions about the efficiency of the means we are using to employ people. http://www.citizenjo

9 International Debt Countries borrow money to pay for infrastructure such as roads or public services. When countries borrow this money they must pay it back but it now has interest added to it. There is much controversy on how this money is being used, however. When a country borrows money, its citizens are not informed on what it is being used for or its terms and conditions. Some of these loans are being used on projects that do not meet minimum standards of social, ecological, or economical viability. Therefore, countries are buying loans for unnecessary projects and are not paying them back quick enough. When they are not paid back quickly, interest piles up on top of the original dollar amount and causes the country to have to pay more. When the country constantly can’t pay back these loans, the country goes into debt. /watch?v=Vs3JHBwQ32 c& Video about the American economy and the international economies. The speaker talks about how America has a pretty stable economy whereas, foreign countires such as Europe are slowly coming to a stable place.

10 Works Cited consumerism-and-why-is-it-so-important-to-all-of-us consumerism-and-why-is-it-so-important-to-all-of-us americans-spend-their-money americans-spend-their-money you-should-know-about-poverty-in-america/ you-should-know-about-poverty-in-america/ tinuing-failure-america-s-welfare-state-samuel-gregg tinuing-failure-america-s-welfare-state-samuel-gregg

11 Reflection While making this “Pinterest” page, I learned a lot more about the topics taught in class. I had to deeper research to find more information about them which made the topics clearer to me. These topics are very important in today’s society and are important for us, the future generation, to know about them now so we do not repeat these things later in life. Looking at pictures on these topics also helped me to better understand them because they showed a more visual perspective on the issues. We hear about poverty all the time but we never know what the people in poverty are actually going through. When I was looking at pictures, I saw what it was like for people living in poverty and how they had to live all of their lives.

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