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by Coyne & Ottenberg FINAL JEOPARDY QUESTION 100 200 400 300 400 Definitions Clauses and Definitions Court CasesMiscellaneous 300 200 400 200 100 500.

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2 by Coyne & Ottenberg FINAL JEOPARDY QUESTION

3 100 200 400 300 400 Definitions Clauses and Definitions Court CasesMiscellaneous 300 200 400 200 100 500 100

4 Row 1, Col 1 What is Federalism? is a political system in which power is divided and shared between the national/central government and the states (regional units) in order to limit the power of one government. 10 th Amendment

5 1,2 What is the Necessary & Proper Clause? Congress can pass any law “necessary & proper” to carry out their enumerated or delegated or specifically listed powers.

6 1,3 What is Gibbons v. Ogden? Expansion of federal power. Supreme Court stated federal government could issue navigation licenses to businesses operating on the Hudson River because of the Commerce Clause. LIMITED STATE’S RIGHTS

7 1,4 What is Dual Federalism? Also known as the layer cake

8 2,1 What is Concurrent Powers? powers or duties/responsibilities that are shared between the states and national government

9 2,2 What is the Necessary & Proper Clause? Congress can use this provision of the Constitution to pass laws necessary to carry out their enumerated powers; it is also known as elastic clause

10 2,3 What is McCulloch v. Maryland? Supreme Court stated the national government has the right to establish a national bank. It expanded power of the national government; gave more power to the central government instead of states

11 2,4 What is Dual Federalism? Also know as the marble cake

12 3,1 What is a Reserved Powers? powers specific to a certain level of government (i.e. the power to wage war is a power RESERVED or only for the federal government)

13 3,2 What is the Full Faith and Credit Clause? Section of Constitution that states MUST respect other state’s records, laws, judicial proceedings, and public acts.

14 3,3 What is US v. Morrison? Rehnquist Court, expansion of state’s rights’ Congress could not pass Violence Against Women Act under Commerce Clause

15 3,4 What is US v. Lopez? the Supreme Court ruled that Congress had exceeded (expanded) its constitutional authority under the Commerce Clause when it passed a law prohibiting gun possession in local school zones

16 4,1 What is an Cooperative (“marble cake”) Federalism? asserts that the national government is supreme over the states with the federal government intervening or assisting in some areas that have been traditionally left to the states; The federal government, states, and even cities have roles that overlap and mix together

17 4,2 What is Commerce? Word that means “business or trade”

18 4,3 What is Webster v. Reproductive Services? Rehnquist Court- gave more power back to the states to enforce stricter restrictions on abortions

19 4,4 What is taxes? The state of Maryland said the bank of U.S. had to pay this

20 5,2 What is a Bank? In McCulloch v. Maryland, the problem was that Congress created one of these

21 5,3 What is Dred Scott v. Sandford? SCOTUS favored the idea dual federalism in which separate but equally powerful levels of government is preferable. This Court Decision held slaves as property and therefore could not sue in Court

22 5,4 Stamp Act, taxation without representation, Boston Tea Party, Boston Massacre, Quartering Act, Intolerable/Coercive Acts What events led up to the American Revolutionary War?

23 What is Devolution? What is the transfer or delegation of power to a lower level, especially by central government to local or regional administration?

24 What is Dual Federalism “Layer Cake”? Holds that the federal government and the state governments are co- equals, each sovereign 4.5

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