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Computer main parts.

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1 Computer main parts

2 HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE The term hardware refers to all physical parts of a computer system components are: electrical, electronic, electromechanical and mechanical. Are cables, cabinets or boxes, peripherals of all kinds and any other physical element involved. Translation into Spanish does not have a consistent meaning for that reason it has been adopted as it is and sounds; the Royal Spanish Academy defines it as "Set of components that make up the material part of a computer


4 MONITOR The computer monitor or computer screen is the primary output device (interface), showing data or information to the user. It can also be considered an input / output if the monitor has a touchscreen

5 PRINTER PRINT A printer is a computer peripheral device that enables a continuous range of text or graphics of documents stored in an electronic format on physical media by printing, normally on paper using ink or laser technology (toner). Many printers are used as peripherals, and are permanently attached to the computer by a cable. Other printers, called network printers have internal network interface (typically wireless or Ethernet), and can serve as a device to print on any documents to any network user.

6 RAM RAM all instructions running in the central processing unit (CPU) and other computer units are loaded. They are called "random access" Because you can read or write to a memory location with a timeout same for any position, NOT necessary to follow an order to access (sequential access) to information as Quickly as possible

7 KEYBOARD the keyboard, a peripheral used to enter data into a computer or computer

8 MOUSE the keyboard, a peripheral used to enter data into a computer or computer

9 SOUND The sound is transmitted through sound waves, in this case through the air. The ear captures these waves and transforms them into nerve impulses to the brain and become signs that identify with things like music, sounds

10 CPU O TORRES is the component of computers and other programmable devices that interprets instrucines contained in the programs and processes data. propociona CPU core programmability carasteriscas digital computer. and primary storage devices and input and output devices

11 SOFTWARE Is the logical equipment or software of a digital computer comprising the necessary software components that make it possible to perform the specific tasks

12 SKYPE It is a software that allows us to communicate in text, voice, and video over the Internet. It was created in 2003 by the Dane Janus Friis

13 NERO is a popular program to produce DVD, CD that runs on Microsoft Windows and Linux created by the company Nero

14 MICROSOFT It is an American multinational company founded on April 4, 1975 by paul allen bill gates dedicated to computer sector. Develops, manufactures, produces software and electronic equipment

15 FACEBOOK Facebook is a social networking website created by Mark Zuckerberg and Eduardo Saverin founded with the February 4, 2004.

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