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Ms. Nicole Kowalski Sun Valley Mathematics X Algebra II and Honors Algebra II.

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Presentation on theme: "Ms. Nicole Kowalski Sun Valley Mathematics X Algebra II and Honors Algebra II."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ms. Nicole Kowalski Sun Valley Mathematics X Algebra II and Honors Algebra II

2 Course Materials  Textbook (in class & CPM online textbook)  Graph/Grid Notebook  Folder  Pencil  Graphing Calculator (Highly Recommended, but optional)  Learning Log (provided in class)

3 Homework  Assigned almost every night  Posted on back chalkboard and My Big Campus  Graded for completion and effort

4 Grading Policy  Tests/Quizzes 60%  1-2 Quizzes per Chapter  Chapter Test (within a week after Chapter 1 is completed)  Team Tests 10%  Day after chapter is completed  Participation 10%  Do Nows (collected Fridays), Exit Tickets (collected everyday), Learning Logs  Homework and Classwork 20%

5 Online Resources  My Teacher Website:Website  Provides links to My Big Campus and Textbook  Online Textbook Textbook  Each student received a username and password  Textbook link can be found on teacher page (school website)  Provides homework help and answers  Provides additional study resources  My Big CampusCampus  Calendar (all test/quizzes/tutoring/homework assignments)  Uploaded answer keys and materials from class (Power Points, notes, worksheets)

6 Communication  Feel free to contact me throughout the school year   610-497-6300 ext: 2245  Response will be given within 24 hours  Students can meet with me before/after school any day that I do not have meetings scheduled  Tutoring Days will be posted on Chalkboard next to Homework Assignments each week!

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