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Chronic Conditions All Actionable by Metabolic Syndrome & Smoking Coronary Artery Diabetes Mild to Severe Depression/ Anxiety Some CancersMusculoskeletal.

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3 Chronic Conditions All Actionable by Metabolic Syndrome & Smoking Coronary Artery Diabetes Mild to Severe Depression/ Anxiety Some CancersMusculoskeletal High Blood Pressure/Cholesterol Obesity

4 The Last 10 Years VIDEO

5 5 lbs. of Muscle5 lbs. of Fat The Goal is to Lose the RIGHT Weight

6 How Do We Do IT? Creating a Better Quality of Life On Target Health uses a patented Obesity Management Solution that measures body composition and metabolic rates to determine the exact caloric intake and danger zone for each participant. A 16 week program and ongoing maintenance that focuses on fine tuning the caloric intake and modifying behaviors that causes the body to “attack” the fatty tissue and create a positive health outlook. “A Real Targeted Health Intervention Program”

7 Body Composition Body composition is the body’s relative amount of fatty tissue to lean mass. We perform a comprehensive body composition measurement using an FDA approved BodPod. Metabolic Rates Resting metabolic rate is the energy required to stay alive with no activity. We measure each participant’s resting metabolic rate using an Indirect Calorimeter. Every Individual is Unique As we age our metabolism changes, often times dramatically. Our metabolism can also be affected as we increase, decrease or eliminate medications. The On Target Health program focuses on changing behaviors to drive health improvements. Our coaches put an emphasis on setting behavioral goals related to stress management, sleep, nutrition, exercise, and more.

8 On Target Health Room (Employer Site or OnSite Clinic)

9 Employee Orientation Voluntary 45-min educational group meetings scheduled at times you select. Individuals volunteer to be measured using the BodPod. Voluntary Group session where HIPAA compliant results are delivered to those measured. Individuals apply to participate in the 16-week On Target Health program and recommendation made to the employer as to who qualifies. Step 01 Step 02 Step 03 Step 04

10 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Scoring of ApplicationsRecommendation to Employer on Number of Qualified Applicants Invitations Sent to Participants Participants Scheduled & Individual Program Itineraries Distributed

11 Amazing Results Every day participants are making amazing transformations. These results are the norm, not the exception! Before Vitals 232.6 lbs 40.3% body fat 170 total cholesterol 55 HDL cholesterol 101 LDL cholesterol 71 triglyceride 5.3 A1C Disease State Hypertensive Medications Hypertension High Cholesterol After Vitals 167.6 lbs 18.1% body fat 143 total cholesterol 55 HDL cholesterol 80 LDL cholesterol 39 triglyceride 5.2 A1C Disease State Normal Risk Profile Medications Eliminated both medications

12 Amazing Results Every day participants are making amazing transformations. These results are the norm, not the exception! Before Vitals 216.7 lbs 43.4% body fat 203 total cholesterol 52 HDL cholesterol 126 LDL cholesterol 124 triglyceride 5.8 A1C Disease State Pre Diabetic Medications High Cholesterol After Vitals 158.5 lbs 32.9% body fat 186 total cholesterol 59 HDL cholesterol 112 LDL cholesterol 76 triglyceride 5.3 A1C Disease State Preventing Type II Diabetes Medications Reduced Dosage for High Cholesterol

13 Return on Investment Medications Reduction or Elimination of Medications Improved Risk Profiles Diabetic to Pre-Diabetic stage to Normal Risk Profile Improved Engagement Better use of Onsite Health & Wellness Centers Predictive Modeling Reduction in predicted future costs for members in select risk groups Average of 3.7:1 Our clients are seeing impressive results! We are so confident in our program that we will guarantee a 1:1 return on your investment.

14 Thank you!

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