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EXTREMophiles! Finding Life on other Planets. -What are some sites or places that you have been to or have heard about that are characteristic of having.

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Presentation on theme: "EXTREMophiles! Finding Life on other Planets. -What are some sites or places that you have been to or have heard about that are characteristic of having."— Presentation transcript:

1 EXTREMophiles! Finding Life on other Planets

2 -What are some sites or places that you have been to or have heard about that are characteristic of having extreme conditions (very hot, very cold, very dry)? -What about extreme conditions around us on a daily basis or where we live? (in kitchen, our bodies, etc.)

3 What do you consider to be an ideal Environment for you? Temperature?  70-80 degrees Fahrenheit? Climate?  Warm? Sunny? Breezy? Geography?  Mountains? Forest? Flat/Grassland?


5 What about living in… …boiling water? …living in acidic water that can eat through metal (your stomach!)? …in mud that is saltier than the ocean? …in volcanic hot spots?


7 So what could possibly live in these kind of environments?

8 Common Examples of Extremophiles Microbes—bacteria and archae Mostly unicellular, but some multicellular include particular worms, insects, and crustaceans

9 EXTREMOPHILE Extreme– being of a high or of the highest degree or intensity – phile “love”, attraction, or affinity to something “Extreme-lovers” <3

10 What is an Extreme Environment? High-Salt (>0.2M salt concentration) – halophiles Low pH (<3) – acidophiles High pH (>9) – alkaliphiles

11 High-temperature (176–300 °F) – thermophiles Low-temperature (< 50 °F; as low as -450 F) – psychrophile High-pressure

12 A Polyextremophile: the “water bear”water bear Hypoliths

13 What are some Examples of Extreme Environments here on Earth? Volcanic areas (hot spots) Geysers Hot springs Hydrothermal vents (deep sea) Hydrothermal vents

14 What is Mars’ Environment Like? Like Earth’s extreme environments, the entirety of Mars’ is “extreme” Dry, frozen desert

15 How Similar do You Think Earth is to Mars?

16 Comparing Earth and Mars Both have large polar capspolar caps Similar solar day Both have a similar rotational tilt in their axis (similar seasons)rotational Carbon, nitrogen, water (but not liquid now) The magnetic field of Earth makes it’s largest characteristic in difference Mars is much colder h/Sibling_Rivalry.html

17 Life on Mars? Evidence that Mars once had water, maybe even oceans possibly at the same time Earth first had life. So what happened to Mars, then? Mars “lost” its atmosphere; was mostly CO2, turned into carbonate and mineralized in rocks Thicker atmosphere=stabilize water, warmer climate Our atmosphere is maintained from recycling of plate tectonics








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