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Introducing performance appraisal - challenges and lessons learned in Estonian civil service Ulle Purga.

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Presentation on theme: "Introducing performance appraisal - challenges and lessons learned in Estonian civil service Ulle Purga."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introducing performance appraisal - challenges and lessons learned in Estonian civil service Ulle Purga

2 Content Evolution of the performance appraisal system in Estonian civil service since 1995 What and why did we change Main lessons and challenges

3 Objectives Previous approach: Evaluate: whether a civil servant meets the qualification requirements (and training needs) performance =performance appraisal New approach: Evaluate performance professional development training needs Discuss the objectives/targets for the next evaluation period Feedback to the (immediate) supervisor =performance and development review

4 Organisation of the performance appraisal Previous approach - more regulated overall organization defined by the CSA and the Government’s regulation, combination of “attestation” and performance appraisal (once a year and once in three years) New approach - less regulated CSA States that an immediate supervisor must conduct a performance and development review at least once a year sets the objectives defines the options for postponing the performance review states that the organization of the performance appraisal must be defined by the head of the state organization

5 Other new trends Flexibility for the organisations to organize the performance appraisal depending on the organisational needs and culture Option to conduct two separate reviews: performance review (can be linked to the salary increase and other motivational measures) and development review (linked to the discussion and agreeing on the development needs and measures) Emphasises on development and motivation Includes the civil servant’s feedback on the management, communication and other organizational issues – aiming at improving internal communication, cooperation and working conditions Helps to understand the “big picture” – how individual civil servant’s performance improvement supports achieving the organsational goals

6 Results of the performance appraisal Previous approach: Decision on ‘attestation” Development and training plans Attempts to motivate New approach: Performance improvement – goal setting and agreeing Linking individual performance to the organizational performance Professional development Motivation

7 Key lessons and challenges Linking performance appraisal with other civil service management system components (career, motivation, salary, training, etc) is one of the key challenges It is a management tool - trust the managers! Convince and train the managers Involve top management in the evaluation process Change of the focus: from evaluation to encouraging employees and guiding the professional development


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