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2 nd Midterm Exam EBD-301 Accounting & Finance for Entrepreneurs.

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1 2 nd Midterm Exam EBD-301 Accounting & Finance for Entrepreneurs

2 Chapter 4: Preparing Trial Balance

3 Chapter 5: Payroll Accounting IRS requirements for businesses with employees Journal Accounts (4) Items subject to payroll withholding Importance of W-4 form Employer portion of Payroll Taxes Why Worker Compensation Insurance

4 Chapter 6: Taxation General Obligations of the employer Hobby or Business? Rules for Qualified Joint Venture Qualifications for S-Corporation –Taxation of S-Corporations –Importance of K-1 Form Defining Family Partnerships Limited Liability Companies: organization, taxation

5 Chapter 7: Business Organization Decision Criteria Principal Forms: extent of personal liability What does “piercing the corporate veil” mean?

6 Chapter 8: Time Value Compute PVIF, FVIF, PVIFA, FVIFA (formulas provided) Compute present and future value of single sums of money Compute loan payments, amortization schedule (at least first 3 payments) Compute future value of an investment plan; e.g. 401(k), IRA Compute annuity values; e.g. Insurance Annuity, annuitizing a retirement plan

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