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Customer Service & Complaints The following should be reviewed along with Phoenix’s policy and procedure. A post test must be completed and passed annually.

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Presentation on theme: "Customer Service & Complaints The following should be reviewed along with Phoenix’s policy and procedure. A post test must be completed and passed annually."— Presentation transcript:

1 Customer Service & Complaints The following should be reviewed along with Phoenix’s policy and procedure. A post test must be completed and passed annually.

2 Customer Service Some things to Remember: Anyone can submit a customer service form. Our complaint form has been updated to allow for clarity and is now called a Customer Service form. The system is quality driven not punitive. Whether it’s a suggestion or complaint the intention is to enable Phoenix to continuously find ways to provide better service to our clients.

3 Customer Who is a customer? Our consumers of course. But what about the person in the office or chair sitting next to you? Or the person looking for the Birthplace at GMH (who doesn’t speak English)? Our customers are all our consumers, their families, friends and network of acquaintances. Our customers are also each other. For example, if medical records needs information to complete a chart then medical records is your customer. Our customers are anyone who calls Phoenix or arrives on our doorstep. Our customers live in our community and stop to ask us questions in the grocery store.

4 When to use the Customer Service System Anyone can submit a customer service form. It can be submitted verbally, by phone, by written form and/or by email. Jennifer Adams is the contact person. 704-842-6384 or Remember also that if a consumer is unwilling or unable to submit a form, staff can forward that complaint or suggestion for him/her. If an employee has a work issue to resolve, it is suggested that assistance through chain of command is explored prior to using the customer service process. Suggestions for improvement are always welcomed at any time. There is a timeline in the policy and procedure that explains the process after the form.

5 Can they go over our heads? Yes. The policy and procedure indicates how both the LME and various other agencies can be contacted.

6 Please review the policy and procedure, Take the Post test, And submit to Jennifer Adams Thank you.

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