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HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON The American Nation HOLT IN THE MODERN ERA 1 Keeping wartime morale high The government run Office of War Information controlled.

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Presentation on theme: "HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON The American Nation HOLT IN THE MODERN ERA 1 Keeping wartime morale high The government run Office of War Information controlled."— Presentation transcript:

1 HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON The American Nation HOLT IN THE MODERN ERA 1 Keeping wartime morale high The government run Office of War Information controlled the flow of war news at home. The government run Office of War Information controlled the flow of war news at home. Radio programs such as news and entertainment. Radio programs such as news and entertainment. Patriotic movies to promote the war effort. Patriotic movies to promote the war effort. Chapter 18: Americans in World War II Section 2: The Home Front

2 HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON The American Nation HOLT IN THE MODERN ERA 2 Life in the U.S. during WWII long work hours and many sacrifices long work hours and many sacrifices restrictions restrictions blackouts blackouts air-raid drills air-raid drills victory gardens victory gardens Section 2: The Home Front

3 HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON The American Nation HOLT IN THE MODERN ERA 3 Contributions of women Rosie the Riveter was a symbolic figure representing patriotic female defense workers. Rosie the Riveter was a symbolic figure representing patriotic female defense workers. entered job market to replace soldiers. The number of women in the workforce increased greatly during the war. Between 1940 and 1944 women in the labor force increased by 6 million. Women worked in war plants and replaced men in a host of jobs ranging from newspaper reporting to truck driving. entered job market to replace soldiers. The number of women in the workforce increased greatly during the war. Between 1940 and 1944 women in the labor force increased by 6 million. Women worked in war plants and replaced men in a host of jobs ranging from newspaper reporting to truck driving. worked in plants worked in plants produced war products produced war products Section 2: The Home Front

4 HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON The American Nation HOLT IN THE MODERN ERA 4 Government actions to protect minority rights The Fair Employment Practices Committee (FEPC) investigated companies to make sure that all qualified applicants, regardless of race, were considered for job openings. The Fair Employment Practices Committee (FEPC) investigated companies to make sure that all qualified applicants, regardless of race, were considered for job openings. Attempts to end discrimination in businesses with federal contracts. A. Philip Randolph led a march on Washington D.C. to protest discrimination against African Americans. Attempts to end discrimination in businesses with federal contracts. A. Philip Randolph led a march on Washington D.C. to protest discrimination against African Americans. Carlos E. Castaneda tried to improve the working conditions for Mexican Americans in Texas. Thousands of Mexican farm and railroad workers known as braceros came to work in the U.S. southwest during World War II. Carlos E. Castaneda tried to improve the working conditions for Mexican Americans in Texas. Thousands of Mexican farm and railroad workers known as braceros came to work in the U.S. southwest during World War II. Section 2: The Home Front

5 HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON The American Nation HOLT IN THE MODERN ERA 5 Effects on Japanese Americans Many were relocated and interned. Internment was a forced relocation of Japanese Americans. Many were relocated and interned. Internment was a forced relocation of Japanese Americans. Interned people lost their property. Norman Mineta was interned as a child with his family in World War II. Later in life Mineta was elected to the House of Representatives and introduced legislation to get reparations for the Japanese who were put in internment camps. Interned people lost their property. Norman Mineta was interned as a child with his family in World War II. Later in life Mineta was elected to the House of Representatives and introduced legislation to get reparations for the Japanese who were put in internment camps. Hawaiian islands put under martial law because Japanese population was too large to relocate. Hawaiian islands put under martial law because Japanese population was too large to relocate. Some Japanese received limited military service opportunities. Some Japanese received limited military service opportunities. Section 2: The Home Front

6 World War II Vocabulary 1)Selective Training and Service Act : Provided for the first peacetime draft in U.S. History. All men ages 18 to 35 were required to register for the draft. 2)Battle of the Coral Sea: A Naval Battle and important Allied victory that stopped the Japanese advance on Australia. 3)The Office of War Information: Controlled the flow of war news at home. 4)Rosie the Riveter: A symbol of patriotic female defense workers. 5)The Holocaust: Nazi Germany’s systematic slaughter of European Jews. 6)Genocide: The deliberate annihilation of an entire group of people. 7)Kamikaze : Japanese suicide bomber pilots. 8)The Manhattan Project : A top secret effort by a group of scientists to create an atomic bomb. Copy down the vocabulary words. Choose two of the following four assignments to complete using all eight of the vocabulary terms. 1)Write a relevant sentence using each of the eight terms. 2)Draw a picture that represents each of the eight terms. 3)Write a story using all eight of the terms. 4)Create a crossword puzzle using all eight of the terms.

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