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Created by Mr. Jenkins 100 200 TradeSlavery 300 500 400 200 300 400 500 PeoplePlacesPotpourri 100 Final Jeopardy.

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2 Created by Mr. Jenkins

3 100 200 TradeSlavery 300 500 400 200 300 400 500 PeoplePlacesPotpourri 100 Final Jeopardy

4 A1 100 The widespread exchange of plants, animals and disease between the Americas and Europe was called this.

5 200 A2 Tomatoes, corn, sweet potatoes and turkey came from this hemisphere?

6 300 A3 The original purpose of this Virginian colony was to make fortunes of gold and silver for Great Britain

7 400 A4 The idea that became policy, that a nation’s strength depended on it’s wealth is called this.

8 500 The selling of more goods than buying to increase the gold and silver supply of a country. A5

9 This, the second leg of the triangular trade route was a terrifying ordeal for captive Africans going to the Americas. B1 100

10 200 This is the most common and devastating disease for which Native American had no resistance to. B2

11 300 This man wrote of the horrific experience of the middle passage B3

12 400 A slave or servant who worked for set period of time for passage to the Americas was called this. B4

13 500 When Hernan Cortez conquered the Aztecs, many Native Americans helped because they resented paying tribute to this Aztec leader. B5

14 100 The French settlers of Canada were mainly of this occupation. C1

15 200 This conquistador conquered the Inca. C2

16 300 This Portuguese royal, established a court of navigators for the interest of exploration. C3

17 400 This French explorer founded Quebec. C4

18 500 This explorer claimed Brazil for Portugal. C5

19 100 Huge estates in the Americas that grew cash crops such as sugar and tobacco were called. D1

20 200 This was the name of the English colony started by the Pilgrims. D2

21 300 The Mayan Empire lived and existed around this specific area of Mexico. D3

22 400 Two answers required, Vasco da Gama was the first man to sail around this country to trade with this country. D4

23 500 Bartolomea Dias was the first man to sail around the tip of this. D5

24 100 A new light, fast ship that was highly maneuverable during the age of exploration was called this. E1

25 200 An instrument used by explorers to help them navigate using the positions of the stars and planets is called this. E2

26 300 An economic system were the activity is carried on by private individuals or organizations to seek profit is called this. E3

27 400 The Spanish system of giving a colonist land and natives to work the land and teaching the natives Christianity was called this. E4

28 500 The practice of spreading the risk and profit among investors in the creation of English colonies was called this. E5

29 Daily Double

30 Daily double



33 Daily Double

34 Final Jeopardy Question English colonies and the “Declaration of Independence”.

35 Final Jeopardy question is? What did the British do that precipitated the colonist to become free from the King of England.

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