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By Shreya Ramaswamy Roll no : 108

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1 By Shreya Ramaswamy Roll no : 108
'Using Digital medium as a main communication platform device a 360 degree campaign to promote Mutual funds.' By Shreya Ramaswamy Roll no : 108

2 What is a 360 Marketing Campaign
:360 degree marketing campaign is Creating More Effective Marketing Communications means bringing a brand to life, using all possible contact points and depends upon establishing a series of collaborative partnerships for the brand 360 Degree communications approach starts with the problem – or the Brand Challenge – and then “finds the media and messages that best answer that problem”

3 360-degree marketing communications = Traditional marketing mix + online tools
Online tools: Online Communication,Quality Content, High visibility with the help of SEO and SEM, Social Networking, PPC (pay per click).

4 Digital media campaign for mutual funds
One of the main problem with mutual funds as a category is that though it is a 49 year-old industry, and India has 34 of the world’s best brands, it accounts for 5 per cent of household savings. Hence there are three key barriers that prevent people from investing in mutual funds. - The first barrier is that people think it’s about quick returns, - the second is that people believe one needs a lot of money to invest in mutual funds. - and Thirdly, they believe it’s about equity, high risk and therefore ‘not for me’

5 Hence, it becomes peccary to educate the consumers regarding mutual funds and Education in this category, normally, is done sporadically with no continuity. Thus to creating a common platform for all education initiatives. All the small things we do on education will find their way here, and we will keep enriching the online platform giving enough reason for investors to keep visiting

6 Segmentation  Do-it-yourself - Portfolio Management [software that improves trade execution, hiring skilled analysts] Broker services – [hiring client service personnel dedicated to supporting broker inquiries, less in portfolio management ]

7 Promotion of Mutual funds
Certified Agents [Sale and Distribution] Service Centres Company web portal Little promotion in print media

8 Forms of advertisemnts
 Product Launch Advertisement: Launch and re-launch of funds/schemes Must Have – Name of the Fund, the Asset Management Company, Scheme classification (i.e. income/growth etc.,), Investment objective, Investor benefits, general services offered, Logo, corporate symbol, if any, Risk factors as stated in the offer document, Entry and exit loads applicable. Prohibited - Performance figures of any of the previous schemes, comparisons with any other funds/schemes, and rank by any ranking agencies.

9 Advertisements through Hoardings / Posters
“Mutual Fund investments are subject to market risks, read the offer document carefully before investing”. The above statement shall be displayed in black letters of at least 8 inches height or covering 10% of the display area, on white background.

10 Advertisements through Audio
 Visual Media “Mutual Fund investments are subject to market risks, read the offer document carefully before investing” Shall be displayed for at least 2 seconds Covering at least 80% of the total screen space and accompanied by a voice- over reiteration.

11 Advertisements through internet
Use of social media to educate the younger generations regarding mutual funds Use of google adwords Use of text messages to send bulk sms’s to large number of people Sending e - mailers

12 Thank you….!!!

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