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Staffordshire Hundred October 2015. Cllr Philip Atkins Chair Staffordshire Strategic Partnership.

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Presentation on theme: "Staffordshire Hundred October 2015. Cllr Philip Atkins Chair Staffordshire Strategic Partnership."— Presentation transcript:

1 Staffordshire Hundred October 2015

2 Cllr Philip Atkins Chair Staffordshire Strategic Partnership

3 Building Resilient Families and Communities in Staffordshire County Councillor Mike Lawrence, Cabinet Member for Children and Community Safety

4 What are the origins of the Troubled Families initiative? BRFC in Staffs, launched in 2011 To change the repeating generational patterns of poor behaviours in the most troubled families in the UK. Targeting families that have problems and cause problems to the community around them- high demand / costs on the public sector. Aim: to get 120,000 troubled families in England turn their lives around by 2015 (1390 in Staffs). Programme extended to 2020.

5 BRFC identification criteria First phase identified cohorts of families whose households included: – parents and children involved in crime and ASB – adults or YP out of work or at risk of financial exclusion – children who have not attended school regularly – children in need Criteria extended in 2014 to include: – families affected by domestic violence or abuse; and – parents and children with a range of health problems Queen’s Speech (May 2015) indicated expansion to include Troubled Individuals who don’t have to be part of a family household.

6 BRFC in Staffordshire 1390 Families identified in first phase No. of families turned around - 1390 Resulting in average benefit per family of approximately £62,649 (from Cost Benefits Analysis based on a random sample of families from Phase One). Early implementer and 1132 families identified for phase 2 16 VCS organisations included on accredited framework to work with families who meet fewer criteria (with a further 7 pending accreditation). Funds passported to districts to be used to ‘stem the flow’ of families becoming troubled in the future. Cost benefit analysis shows promising results. Robust governance around the programme – Leadership Board chaired by Dr. Tony Goodwin.

7 BRFC in Staffordshire – delivered in localities through strong partnerships Dr. Tony Goodwin, Chair Building Resilient Families and Communities Leadership Group

8 Strategic mandate Endorsement of approach by H&WBB partnership and greater focus on: – Families – prevention and early intervention Public sector reform and savings across the sector- more and better for less Improved approach through closer engagement and partnership with private and voluntary sectors Everyone has a part to play in changing behaviours System leadership – all contributing to a common purpose but recognise the need to do more.

9 ALL: 192,000 SOME: 13,150-19,725 6.8%-10.2% of the population FEW: 2,751 – 2,952 1.4%-1.5% of the population Numbers of Children in the Current System Known to the BRFC programme In universal services e.g. schools, GPs etc. Challenges: Escalation = Increasing costs Re-referrals and the revolving door syndrome Families in multiple parts of the system Demand management Tackling root cause Getting upstream of the issues Common picture across health, social care, education and criminal justice systems.

10 Tackling root cause All are precursors to poor life chances, health inequalities and increased public sector demand for individuals, their children and families and the communities in which they live.

11 Successes include All are precursors to improved life chances, health equality and decreased public sector demand for individuals, their children and families and the communities in which they live.

12 The Future - A New Family System ? Multi Agency Core Hub (Personalised Provision) Key: Statutory function Statutory and BRFC BRFC Delivered through integrated systems leadership and resources.

13 So what does all of this mean? It’s everybody’s business Status quo is not an option – CSR predictions are for further and deeper funding reductions Early signs are encouraging – the need to scale up the approach Challenges remain – How do we make communities more resilient? How do we create less dependency? Resolve to do the right thing that benefits all Staffordshire residents – partnership and systems leadership is key.

14 Case study examples of reduced offending and reoffending in families included in the BRFC cohort. SLIDES TO BE INSERTED Chief Superintendent Jeff Moore Staffordshire Police

15 Refreshment Break

16 Question Panel

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