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By, Jason Arthur HOW TO MAKE A SECURE PASSWORD. INTRO For some people it may be hard to make a safe and secure password, and some people think their password.

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Presentation on theme: "By, Jason Arthur HOW TO MAKE A SECURE PASSWORD. INTRO For some people it may be hard to make a safe and secure password, and some people think their password."— Presentation transcript:


2 INTRO For some people it may be hard to make a safe and secure password, and some people think their password is safe however it most likely isn’t. In this PowerPoint ill tell you how to make a safe, secure, and hacker-proof password.

3 MAKING ALL THE PASSWORDS g#]{ Y;5$G*,hVv@;}1u #{/9-Q:- 2],(^T9W#*211{bf(0Tj185,|GY64:AKI]#>C7{i =/X This is a crack-proof password although you may not want to use this it’s good to use atleast 15 letters and numbers. If its hard for you to remeber your passwords theres a app on the i-devises that you can put your passwords in and the app is looked with only one password. So if you think about you only need to remember one password

4 HOW TO MAKE IT SAFER! Never include your name Never include phone number Never include favorite things Never make it all letters Never make it all numbers Use punctuation if possible Upside down swag

5 HOW HACKERS HACK You may not realize but most hacks don’t guess passwords they use software to use your information to solve your password. This is why its good to never put your information to your password. Some hackers even track what buttons you type on your keyboard!

6 THX FOR READING I hope you got a lot out of this so you can make a better stronger more secure password

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