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The Evolution of the Universe The Evolution of the Universe* John D. Barrow.

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Presentation on theme: "The Evolution of the Universe The Evolution of the Universe* John D. Barrow."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Evolution of the Universe The Evolution of the Universe* John D. Barrow



4 Are You Expanding???

5 There is no centre and and there is no edge



8 A Recipe for Life helium + helium  beryllium helium + beryllium  carbon carbon + helium  oxygen

9 Why is the Universe so Big ? hydrogen  helium  carbon 10 billion years of alchemy 10 billion years of expansion 10 billion light years of space

10 The Universe is Almost Empty

11 The Universe contains only 1 Atom per cubic metre 1 Earth per (10 l–yr) 3 1 Star per (1000 l–yr) 3 1 Galaxy per (10 7 l–yr) 3 1 ‘universe’ per (10 10 l–yr) 3

12 Our Universe IsCool T  1/size

13 The Sky is Dark at Night

14 Life-supporting Space is…. Almost empty Big and Old Dark and Cold



17 Habitable Universes Need Close to critical expansion Isotropic expansion Graininess level of about 1 part in 10 5

18 The Inflationary Universe Very early  10 -35 sec


20 Planck Mission Microwave Sky Map

21 The Spectrum of Temperature Fluctuations

22 Changing the visible matter density Wayne Hu Changing the dark matter density Wayne Hu A Cosmological Cornucopia

23 Gravitational-Wave ‘Twist’ Signature in the radiation polarisation BICEP 2, 2014

24 Planck Dust Map The Universe is Dusty

25 Chaotic Inflation

26 Eternal Inflation

27 Will the Universe Expand Forever ???

28 The Violent End of the Solar System


30 Dark energy (  ) and deviation from critical expansion ( k ) Wayne Hu

31 Dark Energy Dominates the Universe



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