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The final frontier Learning aim C Know the components of the Solar System, the way the Universe is changing and the methods we use to explore space.

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Presentation on theme: "The final frontier Learning aim C Know the components of the Solar System, the way the Universe is changing and the methods we use to explore space."— Presentation transcript:

1 The final frontier Learning aim C Know the components of the Solar System, the way the Universe is changing and the methods we use to explore space

2 Scenario You are working in the Royal Observatory at Greenwich in London as a junior member of staff responsible for leading small groups of the public through the facility. You are expected to provide an informative commentary and explanations of relevant displays as you walk through the different sections of the building and must, therefore, become very familiar with all the general aspects of space exploration and astronomy.

3 Task 1: What’s out there? The tour will begin with an overview of the Universe and our Solar System. For the tour, you will need to prepare the following: Produce a poster or 3D display, including diagrams as well as explanations, which shows the structure of the Solar System. Include objects which have very large orbits and important facts and figures. Present your work to the class and describe its content. Produce a PowerPoint ®, including diagrams, to describe the structure of the Universe naming major objects that it contains, such as galaxies and their general characteristics. Members of the public in your tour are likely to ask you how we know about the structure of the Universe. To answer their questions, you will need to find out about the range of observational instruments that are used. From practical investigation and class notes, prepare a report which shows the different instruments that are used to observe the Universe, and briefly comment on their suitability. Members of the public in your tour are interested in knowing about the history of the Universe. Present a timeline with descriptions which shows how the Universe is thought to have developed over time. This work should include the current theory of the formation of our Solar System.

4 Evidence you must produce for this task Poster display, power-point (up to 8 slides, your teacher will provide an observation statement), report (including ray diagrams), timeline.

5 Task 2: The changing Universe People in your touring party will also want to know whether the Universe is changing. So that you are prepared to answer questions about the changing Universe, prepare the following: Make a list of different observations or measurements which help to indicate or suggest that the universe is continually changing. For each of the observations or measurements you listed above, provide a clear explanation as to how they provide evidence to suggest that the Universe is continually changing. Use class notes and further research to help you make a personal or group decision on the strength of the evidence to support the Big Bang Theory. It may help if you list and describe the forms of evidence for and against the theory and present your case to the class.

6 Evidence you must produce for this task List of evidence that the Universe is continually changing so that you can refer to it if people ask questions in your touring party, notes for evidence for and against the Big Bang theory ready for carrying out a group discussion (your teacher will provide an observation statement).

7 Sources of information Textbooks Goodfellow, D., Hocking, S., and Musa, I. (2012) Edexcel BTEC Level 2 Principles of Applied Science, Pearson Education Limited ISBN 978-1-44690-279-0 Kerrod. R. (2003) Hubble: The Mirror on the Universe, David & Charles ISBN: 978-0-71531-642-9 Jones B.W. (2007) Discovering The Solar System Wiley-Blackwell ISBN 978-0-47001-831-6 Websites

8 Criteria To achieve the criteria you must show that you are able to:Unit Criterion reference Describe how the Universe and the Solar System were formed. 32C.M6 Describe the suitability of different methods for observing the Universe. 32C.P9 Describe the structure of the Universe and our Solar System. 32C.P8 To achieve the criteria you must show that you are able to:Unit Criterion reference Evaluate the evidence leading to the Big Bang theory of how the Universe was formed. 32C.D5 Explain how evidence shows that the Universe is changing. 32C.M7 Identify evidence that shows the dynamic nature of the Universe. 32C.P10

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