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Stress Management Workshop

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1 Stress Management Workshop
Welcome To Stress Management Workshop Through Sahaja Yoga Meditation Session 4

2 Session 4 – 60 minutes Quick Recap… 05 min
Recap Video from founder …… min Last four chakras /energy centres min Experience the peace through cleansing chakras min How to practice at home …………… 05 min Q & A… min

3 Self Realization - Know Your ‘Subtle Body’
Sahaja = Born within and Simple Yoga = Connecting individual consciousness with the Nature also termed as ‘Self Realization’ brings emotional, physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing Subtle body = 3 channels (nadis), 7 plexus (chakras), Living Energy (Kundilini in sanskrut) When connected with nature, one feels peace, silence (thoughtless), joy and reduce stress Cool/hot breeze of relaxing theta waves (vibratory awareness) can feel on finger tips or top of the head and imbalances can be diagnosed ! Nature Right Channel (Future, Activity & Planning) Physical & Mental Fitness Left Channel (Past , Desires & Emotions) Emotional Fitness Centre Channel (Present, Evolution & Joy) Peace & Harmony Living Energy (Kundalini)

4 (Last four chakras support to form yoga with nature)
The Subtle System (Last four chakras support to form yoga with nature) Pingala Nadi Right Sympathetic Channel Ida Nadi Left Sympathetic Channel Sushmana Nadi Central Para- Sympathetic Channel 2 5 3 6 4 Balance = Health Imbalance of Sympathetic channels causes Stress and Diseases

5 In Hands In Feet Heart Chakra Cardiac Plexus

6 Heart Chakra Colour, Element, Ruby Red, Air,
Planet, Day, Stone, Region Venus, Friday, Ruby, England (UK) Instrument, Raga Tabla, Durga, Quality Joy, Compassion, Security, Love, Responsibility Organs Heart, Lungs, Blood Pressure Diseases Heart attack, Asthama, Lungs problem, TB, Cleansing Techniques Breathing, Pranayama, Walk “Unless and until you find your absolute in your heart or your wholesomeness, you can never be happy.”

7 In Hands In Feet Vishuddhi Chakra Cervical Plexus

8 Vishuddhi Chakra Colour, Element, Blue , Ether
Planet, Day, Stone, Region Saturn, Saturday, Sapphite, USA(America) Quality Diplomacy, Collectivity, Communication, Witness state, Respect for self & others, Organs Thyroid, Ears, Nose, Throat, Mouth, Teeth, Tongue, Face, Hand sensitivity Diseases ENT problem, Thyroid, Spondylosis, Cold coughing, Vertigo, Cleansing Techniques Neck & Hand exercise, Butter/Ghee or Olive/Coconut oil techniques for ENT, Watching sky by keeping vishuddhi fingers in ears and saying affirmations “You have to just witness, witness the whole thing. Once you start witnessing, you'll be amazed that you will start seeing the play.”

9 In Hands In Feet Agnya Chakra Optic Chiasma

10 Agnya Chakra Colour, Element White, Light Planet, Day, Stone, Region
Sun, Sunday, Diamond, China & Russia Quality Forgiveness, Penance, Non- Violence Organs Eyes Diseases Headache, Eyes & Braine problems, Memory loss, Paralysis, Migraine, Mental disorders Cleansing Techniques Tratak asana - concentrating object which emits positive vibrations with/without candle light, Stop watching TV/Media for pornography etc. “The divine love is the ocean of forgiveness, and whatever mistakes you might have committed can be easily dissolved by that ocean of forgiveness.”

11 In Hands In Feet Sahastrara Chakra Brain or Limbic Area

12 Sahastrara Chakra Colour, Element All, All Planet, Day, Stone
Pluto, Monday, Pearl Quality Integration and Self Realization, Thoughtless Awareness, Union (yoga), Organs Limbic area Diseases All incurable diseases Region Indian Himalayas “Once you start growing in your self-realization, you develop such a personality that you see the whole world as one”

13 Sahaja Yoga (About Founder)
Dr. Nirmala Devi Srivastava discovered Sahaja Yoga in 1970 Today Sahaja Yoga is practiced free of cost over 130 countries and as UNESCO peace partner Appointed as Honorary Member of the Petrovskaya Academy of Art and Science (Russia). In the history of the Academy, only twelve people have been granted this honour, Einstein being one of them. Shri Mataji inaugurated the first International Conference on Medicine and Self- Knowledge, which became an annual event at the Academy thereafter. She is a recipient of numerous awards and recognitions and was nominated twice for Nobel peace prize

14 and Cleansing Chakras)
Let’s Experience ‘Peace’ through (Self Realization and Cleansing Chakras)

Place your right palm on your lap & left palm facing sky. Pray: Please cleanse my right channel Place your left palm on your lap & the right palm on earth. Pray: Please cleanse my left channel 3RD,4TH,5th, 6TH STEP - CLEARING LAST FOUR ENERGY CENTRE Pray – Please cleanse my heart Pray – I am not guilty Pray – I forgive everyone Pray -- Please give me self realization “The more I know about myself the more dynamic I become, the more expansive I become.” 15

16 Activity of Self-diagnosis on finger tips
5th Step Meditation- Self Realization Instrumental Music Sit in meditation posture for 2-5 minutes keeping attention on the top of your head Pray: Please give me peace & joy. Activity of Self-diagnosis on finger tips 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3a "Unless and until you know yourself, unless and until there is self knowledge - your confusion cannot disappear." 16

17 TIPS FOR DOING AT HOME Daily morning 10 minute balancing and chakra cleansing techniques followed by 5 min meditation through music Daily 10 minute “water technique” before sleeping in night followed by 5 min meditation Bandhan/ Kundilin raising always before & after meditation Ice Pack / Fire element techniques whenever needed Weekly attending collective meditation at nearest centres preferably or on-line mediation which is always free throughout life time globally

18 Using ocean elements – foot soak
A powerful technique to clean subtle system Use 5 elements Air Earth Water Fire Ether (sky) Ideal in the Ocean Just before going to sleep – 5-10 mins

19 Ice pack on liver – Cooling
Effects Cools down the liver (and reduces activity of the right channel) helps stop thinking and meditate To be applied only on the right side

20 Kundilini Raising- Self
Bandhan- Protecting energy centres

21 Practice 30 min every week together…Must
Program Date Duration Agenda What you will take away Session 2 Day 2 1 Hr per Week or Month Recap of Day 1 Qualities of three channels Guided meditation for balancing Interactive Session Foundation for peace / thoughtless awareness Deep understanding of earth & ether element techniques to cleanses left side (emotions) responsible for psychosomatic diseases like lethargy, sleeping disorders or depressions and right side (mental & physical) responsible for high BP, headaches, heart attack etc. Session 3 Day 3 Recap of Day 1 & 2 Qualities of first three Chakras Guided Meditation for first three chakras Q&A, Feedback Understanding of first three chakras' qualities responsible for prostate gland, kidney, Liver & stomach problem etc. Cleansing techniques for first three chakras (five elements/asanas ) Session 4 Day 4 Recap of Day 1,2,3 Qualities of last four Guided Meditation for last four chakras Guidance for future Understanding of last four chakras' qualities responsible for heart problem, ENT, brain, spondylosis etc. Cleansing techniques for last four chakras (five elements, breathing etc.)

22 One month course starts on 1st Sunday of every month
1. Place- Dadar West Day- Sunday     Time- Morning 10am-12am Venue- Riyaz Hall, Ravindra Natya Mandir, P L Deshpande Sabbagruh, Near Siddhi Vinayak,Prabhadevi, Dadar West, Contact Number : M: 2. Place- Vile Parle West Day- Sunday     Time- Morning 11.30am to 12.30pm Venue- Shah House, 7, Janki Kutir, Near Prithvi Theatre, Opp. Juhu Tara Road., Vile Parle West. Mr. Ramakant: , Vinay Pandit: 3. Place- Goregaon East Day- Sunday     Time- Evening 6pm to 6.45pm Venue- Yashodham High School,Film City Road, Opp. Dindoshi Bus Depot, Goregaon East Contact : Ms. Veenita Gupta: , Amogh: 4. Place- Dahisar East Day- Sunday     Time- Evening 5.30 to 6 pm Venue- Sardar Patel High School, Chuna Bhatti, Off W.E highway Ravalpada junction, Dahisar East. Contact :Jayeshbhai Patel: , Sunil Bhovad: 5. Place- Mira Road (East) Day- Saturday     Time- Evening 7 to 8 pm Venue- Seven Square Academy, Near Deepak Hospital, Mira-Bhayander Road, Mira Road (East) Contact :Mr. Vivek Bhoir: 6. Place- Kanjurmarg (West) Day- Sunday     Time- Evening 6.30pm Venue- Dockyard colony, Dr. Datta Samant School, Near st. Zaviers School, Kanjurmarg West. Contact Rajesh Gulhati: 7. Place- Tilak Nagar Day- Sunday     Time- Evening 5.30pm Venue- Vrindavan, K.G School, Vrindavan Colony, Near Bldg No.112, Tilak Nagar, Mumbai Contact : Mrs. Ranjana: 8. Place- Thane (West) Day- Sunday     Time- Morning 9.30am to 10.30am Venue- Brahman Vidhyalay Near Shastri Nagar Bus Depot, Vartak Nagar, Thane West Contact: Mr. Murli: , Ms. Sunanda:

23 To Download sessions content please visit website

Going Further Send if you wish to know nearest free weekly centres and literature to practice at home Thank You

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