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Project MORE 2010. Project MORE and RtI  What is RtI?  Why is RtI important?  How does Project MORE fit into RtI?

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Presentation on theme: "Project MORE 2010. Project MORE and RtI  What is RtI?  Why is RtI important?  How does Project MORE fit into RtI?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Project MORE 2010

2 Project MORE and RtI  What is RtI?  Why is RtI important?  How does Project MORE fit into RtI?

3 RtI is the early identification of reading difficulties followed by multi-tiered instruction to address those difficulties along with frequent monitoring of progress. RtI is the early identification of reading difficulties followed by multi-tiered instruction to address those difficulties along with frequent monitoring of progress.

4 Purpose of RtI  Catch them before they fall  Reduce SPED referrals  Save district dollars

5 RtI Resources   

6 5 Essential components of RtI  High Quality classroom instruction  A multi-tiered approach  Frequent assessment  Immediate instructional response  Family involvement

7 Tier 1 Small group instruction One-on-one instruction Tier 2 Tier 3 Whole Class instruction (Core programs)

8 Good Instructional Practices  Teach essential skills and strategies  Base differentiated instruction on assessment  Explicit and systematic instruction  Provide plenty of practice

9 5 pillars of good reading instruction  Sound awareness (P.A.)  Sound symbol relationships (Phonics)  Vocabulary  Fluency  Comprehension

10 Importance of Vocabulary  Vocabulary gap between struggling readers and proficient readers grows each year.  After primary grades, the achievement gap between socio-economic groups is a language gap.  For ELL the achievement gap is primarily a vocabulary gap.  To close the gap, vocab instruction must be accelerated with direct intentional instruction.  Reading is best source of vocab acquisition


12 Importance of practice  What do these four numbers have to do with practice? 7 12 124,358,000 8000 8000

13 Reading Time & Word Exposure PercentileRank Minutes of Reading per day Words Read per year +10 Minutes/Day Words read per year 98654,358,0005,082,462 9021.11,823,0002,686,981 8014.21,146,0001,953,042 709.6622,0001,269,917 606.5432,0001,096,615 504.6282,000895,043 403.2200,000825,000 301.8106,000694,889 200.721,000321,000 100.18,000300,000


15 Using LAZ resources to enhance your mentoring program  RAZ Leveled Book Landing pages  Projectables  Vocabulary Lessons  Raz-kids  RAZ’s other resources  High-frequency word books  Humor books  Comic books  Vocabulary books  Wowzer certificates  Search tools


17 Skill Chart

18 Coming Attractions  Online assessments  Running records  Fluency  Phonics  High frequency words  Phonological awareness  Interactive eBooks

19 Coming Attractions Online running record Primary eBookIntermediate eBook

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