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Today’s topic The Perfect Open House Thank you for joining us.

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Presentation on theme: "Today’s topic The Perfect Open House Thank you for joining us."— Presentation transcript:

1 Today’s topic The Perfect Open House Thank you for joining us.

2 A true “one stop shop”

3 Chris Bates Fellow Real Estate Agent Co-Founder

4 On his deathbed Alexander the Great summoned his generals and told them his three ultimate wishes: 1.The best doctors should carry his coffin. 2.The wealth he had accumulated (money, gold, precious stones) should be scattered along the way to his burial. 3.His hands should be left hanging outside the coffin for all to see. Surprised by these unusual requests, one of his generals asked Alexander explain. Here is what he said: “I want the best doctors to carry my coffin to demonstrate that in the face of death, even the best doctors in the world have no power to heal. I want the road to be covered with my treasure so that everybody sees that the wealth acquired on earth, stays on earth. I want my hands to swing in the wind so that people understand that we come to this world empty-handed and we leave empty-handed after the most precious treasure of all is exhausted — time.” There is never enough time!!!

5 This isn’t about the “little blue pill”

6 Do a lot of little things...they add up!

7 Lay one brick at a time...and soon you have a wall!

8 How to showcase your listings How to advertise your open house How to capture leads and feedback What you will learn

9 Definition of open house: A place or situation in which all visitors are welcome A time when real estate offered for sale is open to prospective buyers

10 It is your “Retail Shop” where the shop is the product but also where they can access other products like it...

11 Open Houses do work According to N.A.R. 45% of consumers say they used an Open House as an information source * taken from N.A.R. Open House study in 2013-14

12 Make your résumé stand out It's your time to shine and prove that you are the neighborhood expert Your marketing is your résumé


14 FREE Custom Graphics...Marketing Makeover

15 It all starts with your digital showcase Prove to buyers and sellers you are a super savvy real estate expert So how do you stand out?






21 Display on your laptop Pull up the photo gallery or virtual tour and click View Full Screen

22 Display on your iPad Pull up the photo gallery or virtual tour and press the full screen button

23 Display on a flat screen TV Pull up the photo gallery or virtual tour and press the full screen button

24 If you have a laptop or iPad Show the property on a bigger screen Display the community page on the smaller screen to show new listings in the area

25 www. The Perfect Open House What about other homes for sale? Make sure you are prepared and know what other homes sold in the area The Perfect Open House

26 Neighborhood Personal Website You can now create as many personal Websites for your communities to display IDX listings in just that community, show neighborhood vendors, write articles, showcase community pictures...

27 Announcing your open house It is important to tell the world about your open house We have many ways to do that

28 Include an Open House Calendar on your property website 1. Click on the Properties tab 2. Click the Edit icon 3. Click the Open House tab Save

29 Post a Craigslist ad Our Craigslist ad creator will change the headline automatically to reflect your open house

30 Where are people visiting? Facebook: 7 billion Twitter: 182 million Pinterest: 104 million LinkedIn: 86 million Tagged: 72 million Google+: 61 million Unique visits for March, 2012 Source: Experian Hitwise

31 Post to social networks You can post your listing with one click from the property website with an announcement about your upcoming open house

32 What to say Start with your social circle. Invite your friends and clients to view your property website, then come see the home in person by visiting your open house

33 Post to local Classifieds Send the details of your open house to local classified newspapers Be sure to include: Property URL Text code QR code

34 Sample ad Open house this weekend at 249 Ruby St. in Redondo Beach! For more information: Text 1 to 79564

35 Create a property blog A property blog is a flyer for your listing posted straight to your blog

36 Advanced tip Create a property blog just for your open house.

37 Print Brochures Automatically print your brochures from our property websites

38 Multiple layouts Up to five layouts to choose from

39 All information Property details Pictures Website URL's Text Code QR Code

40 Property Specific Printing One click property specific printing will help you stand out!

41 Examples of water bottle labels You can order with one click or customize, your choice

42 Biz-Prop Cards 1. Give a stack to your sellers 2. Pass them out to neighbors 3. Hand them out as your business card 4. Use them instead of brochures

43 Open house postcard examples Choose from many different layouts

44 Register EVERYONE!


46 Visitor log and showing feedback system Automatically syncs with Capture information of your visitors, we've developed an easy to use app for that


48 Automatically syncs with




52 Optimized for smartphone or tablet Works great on laptop too

53 Open House App Log each buyer that comes in and capture their contact information instantly

54 Buyers get a text Log each buyer that comes in and they will get a text about the property immediately that they can share with their friends! They are also notified if you have a price change or another Open House

55 You get notified Our leads notification system sends you a text and/or email to notify you of this prospect instantly!


57 Showing Feedback system LookyLeads requests complete feedback from customers by using our Showing Feedback system

58 Showing Feedback form Buyers are sent a questionnaire automatically that links to the property website to tell what they think about the property


60 1. Create HD property website 2. Order print materials 3. Send out postcards or door-knock with biz-prop cards 4. Order classified print ad 5. Add open house calendar to website 6. Post an open house property blog 7. Use Craigslist poster to post ad 8. Post to social networks 9. Signup for and sync property To Do List

61 During and after open house 1. Display HD pictures on device 2. Use LookyLeads for sign in form 4. Hand out printed materials 5. Call 1-3 days after to thank them 6. Send thank you card with your information

62 Good luck and have fun Thanks for joining us today

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