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Equine Necropsy By: Aubrey McMahan. Unnamed Quarter Horse:  An 8 year old gelding quarter horse was found limping on his caudal left leg in the owner’s.

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Presentation on theme: "Equine Necropsy By: Aubrey McMahan. Unnamed Quarter Horse:  An 8 year old gelding quarter horse was found limping on his caudal left leg in the owner’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 Equine Necropsy By: Aubrey McMahan

2 Unnamed Quarter Horse:  An 8 year old gelding quarter horse was found limping on his caudal left leg in the owner’s property. Not only was he limping, but you could also see visible swelling around the hock.

3 Swollen Hock The neighbors reported the owner to ASPCA because they noticed that the owner was not doing anything about it. The gelding was than taken to a veterinary clinic for examination.

4 Examination  T: 101.0 F  BAR  P: 30 bpm  R: 10 bpm  Weight: 1000#  MM: slightly pink, slow CRT time  Not baring any weight on caudal left hoof  Swelling on caudal left hock  Radiograph: slight fracture in hock  Histopathology: increase of white blood cells  Due to: pus  BCS: #3  Backbone and ribs are obvious  No fat around the tail bone  Barely any fat around the neck

5 Medical History  Sensorium: normal  Integumentary: mangy  Ears: normal  Heart: normal  MusculoSkeletal: abnormal, fracture and swelling around caudal left hock.  Pain: yes  Lymph nodes: normal  Nose: normal  Lungs: normal  Neurological: normal  Hydration: abnormal; 1 – 2 second delay  Eyes: normal  Mouth: abnormal; slow CRT  Abdomen: normal  Urogenital: normal  Parasitology: roundworms, hookworms, mites  Vaccines: unknown

6 Tests: Normal Horse Leg His Carpal Joint Fracture

7 Assessment:  On October 14 th, 2015, he was sadly euthanized.  This was due to the combination of extreme pain of the infection and length of the injury.  Upon necropsy, it was discovered that he also had an invasion of parasite problems; both of roundworms, hookworms, and mites.  Blood chemistries also revealed an obvious increase of white blood cell development.

8 Results  The owner was given a severe fine for animal cruelty. Should he be irresponsible again, he will not be able to own other animals.  So far, no other horses’, both alive and remains, have been discovered on his property.

9 References: ;_ylt=A0LEVrhgTR1WgnMArXMPxQt.;_y lu=X3oDMTByMjB0aG5zBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzY w--?p=Horses+With+Swollen+Ankles&fr=yhs-iry- fullyhosted_003&hspart=iry&hsimp=yhs-fullyhosted_003;_ylt=A0LEVrhgTR1WgnMArXMPxQt.;_y lu=X3oDMTByMjB0aG5zBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzY w--?p=Horses+With+Swollen+Ankles&fr=yhs-iry- fullyhosted_003&hspart=iry&hsimp=yhs-fullyhosted_003  fullyhosted_003&type=grv_tuto15_14_37&param1=1&param2=cd%3D2XzuyEtN2Y1 L1QzuzytDyEzzzy0AyB0EyEyBzzyEzytDyBzztN0D0Tzu0StCtDtDtCtN1L2XzutAtFt BtFtCtFtDtN1L1Czu1N1C2X1V2Z2Y2Z1FtCyD1VtCyE1VtAyBtN1L1G1B1V1N2Y 1L1Qzu2SyD0AyE0AyByDtByEtG0FtBtDyDtG0AyCyCtDtG0EzzyDzztGtCzztDzytA 0B0AtByCtDtD0C2QtN1M1F1B2Z1V1N2Y1L1Qzu2SyCzzyC0DyEtCzyyEtGyEtDy CzytGyEzz0C0AtGzytCtDyEtG0DyBzyzz0CyDyCyByEtCyCtB2Q%26cr%3D528544 390%26a%3Dgrv_tuto15_14_37%26f%3D4%26cat%3Dweb%26sid%3D0716876fd9a c66a00488b117445f05be%26sesid%3D498198259a1a6bc076c5ec3867e5e831%26ip% 3D69.170.92.127%26b%3DIE%26bv%3D11.0%26os%3DWindows%2B7%26pa%3D groovorio&p=necropsy+of+a+horse  Norris, P. (2014). Veterinary Forensics: Animal Cruelty Investigations (2nd edition). Journal Of The American Veterinary Medical Association, 244(6), 675-676.

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