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Campus Climate: Embedded in Strategic Plan Core Theme Three: Building Community – Create a diverse, inclusive, and safe environment accessible to all Objective.

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Presentation on theme: "Campus Climate: Embedded in Strategic Plan Core Theme Three: Building Community – Create a diverse, inclusive, and safe environment accessible to all Objective."— Presentation transcript:

1 Campus Climate: Embedded in Strategic Plan Core Theme Three: Building Community – Create a diverse, inclusive, and safe environment accessible to all Objective 3 – To sustain and enhance an inclusive environment in which diverse students, employees and community partners engage with the college, experience a sense of belonging, and derive mutual benefit.

2 Campus Climate: Embedded in Strategic Plan Indicator 3.05 – Employee ratings on annual climate survey, disaggregated by employee type, gender, and ethnicity. Baseline – Spring 2012 climate survey Benchmark – A 5% increase in overall satisfaction. For disaggregated groups below the overall mean, an increase to within 5 percentage points of the mean.

3 The Climate Questions On a 1 to 5 scale, how satisfied are you.... 1.With the spirit of cooperation across campus? 2.That your suggestions are heard and acted upon? 3.That resources are adequate for faculty, staff and administrators? 4.That the college supports your professional development? 5.That the campus environment is hospitable to all? 6.How physically safe do you feel on campus? 7.How safe do you feel in other ways on campus? 8.How much pride do you feel being an employee?

4 Employee Climate Surveys Three-Year Comparisons FrequenciesAverage Rating (1-5)Change from 2012 20122013201420122013201420132014 Cooperation178941603.253.613.7111.1%14.1% Suggestions173941593.173.343.465.3%9.0%

5 Employee Climate Surveys Three-Year Comparisons FrequenciesAverage Rating (1-5)Change from 2012 20122013201420122013201420132014 Cooperation178941603.253.613.7111.1%14.1% Suggestions173941593.173.343.465.3%9.0% Resources177951592.862.873.210.3%12.0% Prof Development177931583.163.623.7814.7%19.6%

6 Employee Climate Surveys Three-Year Comparisons FrequenciesAverage Rating (1-5)Change from 2012 20122013201420122013201420132014 Cooperation178941603.253.613.7111.1%14.1% Suggestions173941593.173.343.465.3%9.0% Resources177951592.862.873.210.3%12.0% Prof Development177931583.163.623.7814.7%19.6% Hospitable173921593.573.853.807.9%6.5% Physically Safe176941544.

7 Employee Climate Surveys Three-Year Comparisons FrequenciesAverage Rating (1-5)Change from 2012 20122013201420122013201420132014 Cooperation178941603.253.613.7111.1%14.1% Suggestions173941593.173.343.465.3%9.0% Resources177951592.862.873.210.3%12.0% Prof Development177931583.163.623.7814.7%19.6% Hospitable173921593.573.853.807.9%6.5% Physically Safe176941544. Other SafeNA931473.884.01 Pride178941584. Composite Index3.443.683.796.9%10.1%

8 Employee Climate Surveys Three-Year Comparisons FrequenciesAverage Rating (1-5)Change from 2012 20122013201420122013201420132014 Cooperation178941603.253.613.7111.1%14.1% Suggestions173941593.173.343.465.3%9.0% Resources177951592.862.873.210.3%12.0% Prof Development177931583.163.623.7814.7%19.6% Hospitable173921593.573.853.807.9%6.5% Physically Safe176941544. Other SafeNA931473.884.01 Pride178941584. Composite Index3.443.683.796.9%10.1%

9 Employee Climate Surveys Disaggregated 2014 Results Groups within or below 5% of the overall mean GroupAllPOCWomenCLEXFTFPTFHrly?? Number160359832353835614 Cooperation3.71 Suggestions3.46 Resources3.21 Prof Develop3.78 Hospitable3.80 Physically Safe4.20 Other Safe4.01 Pride4.18 Composite3.79

10 2014 Employee Climate Survey Written comments by question by rating Blank1 or 234 or 5Total Cooperation114112551 Suggestions114 43 Resources11912638 Prof Develop31041532 Hospitable110121841 Physically Safe21822335 Other Safe2114 28 Pride2342231 General33 Totals139963134332 Legend Blank = no rating 1 or 2 = very dissatisfied or dissatisfied 3 = neutral 4 or 5 = satisfied or very satisfied

11 Climate Survey—Next Steps Analyze the written comments: E-Team Cross-reference with themes from the Spring Employee Survey (N=282) – Professional Development Section – Community Building Section – Diversity Section From this analysis, identify actions for 2014-15 and beyond

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