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& #noiOnDemand If you are experiencing technical difficulties, please visit to read frequently.

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Presentation on theme: "& #noiOnDemand If you are experiencing technical difficulties, please visit to read frequently."— Presentation transcript:

1 & #noiOnDemand If you are experiencing technical difficulties, please visit to read frequently asked webinar tech questions. Welcome! We will be starting the training session shortly.

2 & #noiOnDemand VAN 101 Trainer: Katie Ellis, NOI Facilitated By: Hope Wood, NOI

3 & #noiOnDemand INTRODUCTIONS NOI On Demand Who’s on? Norms



6 & #noiOnDemand Presenter: & #noiOnDemand Katie Ellis Data Training Manager New Organizing Institute

7 & #noiOnDemand & #noiOnDemand Please type in… what do you think VAN is? WHAT IS VAN?

8 & #noiOnDemand INTRO TO THE VAN

9 & #noiOnDemand Who? Voters, members, supporters, volunteers, staff What data? Voting history, early voting, registration, demographics, polling location, contact info, model scores, communications history, volunteer history, custom tags and opinions, event attendance, actions taken, responsiveness What can it help you do? Organize, sort, plan, target, map, canvass, call, invite, recruit, track, report, visualize VAN ORGANIZES DATA ABOUT PEOPLE

10 & #noiOnDemand & #noiOnDemand Strategic Use of Limited Resources Setting Strategic Goals & Maintaining Accountability Demonstrating Success & Power WHY DO WE NEED DATA?

11 & #noiOnDemand Making it easy to find voters that meet certain criteria Tracking progress to help guide decision- making Accumulating data over time to demonstrate scale of program and impact VAN HELPS BY…

12 & #noiOnDemand AGENDA What & Why of VAN Today: My Voters – Individual Voter Profile – Searching for voters – Printing a call list – Cutting turf – Data Entry – Viewing Canvass Results Q&A

13 & #noiOnDemand Tune in later this week! Tuesday: Voter Registration Tab Wednesday: My Campaign (volunteer management) Thursday: Social Media Integration Friday: Virtual Phonebanks Not covered in this series: Extensive use of modeling E-commerce tools (blast email, robocalls, predictive dialer) VAN administration (creating new users, data types, or reports) Bulk uploading data WHAT WILL WE NOT COVER?

14 & #noiOnDemand (Always talk to your supervisor first) 501(c)(3) organizations: –State Voices state table –Tools for All Fund ( 501(c)(4) organizations –America Votes state table Labor –AFL-CIO –America Votes state table Candidate Campaign or Party Committee –State Party organization HOW DO I GET ACCESS?

15 & #noiOnDemand LET’S DIG IN!

16 & #noiOnDemand ADD

17 & #noiOnDemand REMOVE

18 & #noiOnDemand NARROW

19 & #noiOnDemand & #noiOnDemand QUESTIONS?

20 & #noiOnDemand Evaluation

21 & #noiOnDemand WHAT’S NEXT: THIS WEEK VAN Week! September 10-14 VAN 101- Mon. Sept 10, 2012 at 1 PM EDT – Basic overview of the Voter Activation Network software, including individual voter profiles, searching for voters, printing call sheets, cutting turf, entering data, and viewing canvass results. VAN: Voter Registration Tool- Tue, Sept 11, 2012 at 1 PM EDT – Overview of VAN’s Voter Registration tracking tool. VAN: My Campaign- Wed, Sept 12, 2012 at 1 PM EDT – Overview of VAN’s volunteer management tools, including the individual data that can be tracked on a volunteer profile, scheduling volunteers for events, and creating new events. Social Media for Voter Contact- Thu, Sept 13, 2012 at 1 PM EDT – Covers an introduction to VAN’s Social Organizing, Amicus, Attentively, and VAN: Virtual Phonebanks- Fri, Sept 14, 2012 at 1 PM EDT An introduction to creating and using virtual phonebanks in VAN.

22 & #noiOnDemand & #noiOnDemand Interdependent Leadership (aka the Snowflake Model) Interdependent Leadership HOW CAN I SUPPORT NOI ON DEMAND?


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