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Kidney & testicular cancers and kidney transplantation.

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1 Kidney & testicular cancers and kidney transplantation

2 Kidney Cancer Renal cell carcinoma Commonest cancer of kidney From proximal tubular cell Fifth & sixth decade Male : Female = 2 : 1

3 Renal Cell Carcinoma Aetiology cigarette analgesic abuse cadmium, petroleum products, asbestos Von Hippel Lindau Syndrome adult polycystic kidney disease acquired cystic disease from chronic renal failure

4 Renal Cell Carcinoma Presentation Haematuria, the commonest Loin pain Loin mass Triad – haematuria, pain, mass – advanced disease Metastatic symptoms – bone pain, dyspnoea Incidental findings Paraneoplastic syndrome – erythrocystosis, hypercalcaemia, hypertension, hypoglycaemia, Cushing syndrome

5 Renal Cell Carcinoma Investigations Intravenous Urography – SOL classically with distortion and destruction of calyces Chest X-ray CT scan of abdomen – SOL enhanced with contrast (diagnostic of RCC), LNs, staging Bone scan Renal arteriogram – rarely done, neovascularity, arteriovenous fistula MRI, venography – IVC thrombus FNA, cytology – limited role US – if SOL in IVU suspected to be a cyst

6 Renal Cell Carcinoma Staging Stage I – tumour within kidney Stage II – invade capsule, within Gerota’s fascia Stage III – renal vein/IVC thrombus, LN Stage IV – adjacent organ(except adrenal), distant metastases (Fuhrman grading I, II, III, IV)

7 Renal Cell Carcinoma Treatment Surgery – only chance of cure Radiotherapy, Chemotherapy, Hormonotherapy – limited role Immunotherapy – rare chance of spontaneous regression, infiltration of tumour with lymphocytes triple therapy - interleukin 2, interferon, cytotoxic drug – some response

8 Testicular Tumour 95% germ cell tumour seminoma nonseminoma – teratoma, yolk sac tumour, choriocarcinoma, embryonal carcinoma Incidence - 1 in 100,000 20 to 40 years old Aetiology undescended testis – inguinal 1-2%, intraabdminal 5-10%

9 Testicular Tumour Presentation Painless enlargement Testicular pain Metastatic symptom – bone pain, chest symptoms Incidental finding after trauma/sexual partner

10 Testicular Tumour Investigation Scrotal ultrasonography Tumour markers alpha fetal protein – nonseminoma beta HCG – seminoma & nonseminoma LDH – seminoma & nonseminoma Inguinal exploration/orchidectomy

11 Testicular Tumour Staging Investigation Chest X-ray CT abdomen & pelvis Lymphangiogam – rarely done Stage I – tumour confined to testis Stage II – retroperitoneal lymph node Stage III – mediastinal lymph node/distant metastases

12 Testicular Tumour Treatment Stage I – post orchidectomy surveillance, chemotherapy, retoperitoneal LN resection Stage II – chemotherapy/retroperitoneal LN resection Stage III – chemotherapy, surgery for residual masses

13 Testicular Tumour Prognosis Before chemotherapy – overall 5 years survival rate 50% After chemotherapy – 5ysr to 70%, then to 90% with better chemotherapeutic drugs Stage I disease – 5ysr 95-100%

14 Kidney Transplantation Creatinine clearance normal80-120 ml/min mild renal impairment30-50 ml/min moderate renal impairment15-30 ml/min severe renal impairment5-15 ml/min end staged renal failure0-5 ml/min

15 End Staged Renal Failure Incidence – 10-20 per 100,000 Causes DM glomerulonephritis hypertension infection congenital

16 Functions of Kidney Excretion of metabolic waste Acid base balance Water & electrolytes Erythropoietin Vitamin D3 Renin-angiotensin

17 Renal Replacement Peritoneal dialysis Haemodialysis Kidney transplantation cost-effective & better quality of life

18 Kidney Transplantation First successful transplant between identical twins Allograft successful after immunotherapy Better graft survival – HLA typing, cyclosporin, brain death

19 Kidney Donor Living related careful work up, long term follow up showed no problem with single kidney Living unrelated Cadaveric – transplant co-ordinater

20 Graft Recipient Absolute contraindication – active infection, active malignancy Careful work up – ABO blood grouping, HLA typing, medical & mental fitness Low morbidity & mortality rates Good patient and graft survival rates half kidney grafts survive 10 years

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