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组长:谭广寿 组员:夏婧璇 龙臻彧 郝杰 陈晓娟 甘赛. logo:Slogan: implication: A.

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Presentation on theme: "组长:谭广寿 组员:夏婧璇 龙臻彧 郝杰 陈晓娟 甘赛. logo:Slogan: implication: A."— Presentation transcript:

1 组长:谭广寿 组员:夏婧璇 龙臻彧 郝杰 陈晓娟 甘赛

2 logo:Slogan: implication: A

3 Chairman: B composition of the management:

4 C three main product lines :

5 D status in market and market share:

6 Our customers include popular and established restaurants, fast food chains, coffee shops, supermarkets, coffee-clubs, and food courts around the island. SKP has 46 outlets island-wide in Singapore to date. E main customers:

7 F Enterprise Scale: Size of facilities, main branches, figure of retails :

8 G Overseas market: ________ Singapore

9 SKP’s investment in technology: H

10 I The international code for Singapore, China, USA, UK, Hong Kong, Japan, Taiwan, Australia, Korea

11 J Estimated year to achieve the leader in packing industry:

12 K Recruitment Plan:

13 Summary status in market and market share : SKP is the largest supplier of disposable plastic packaging in the local market, commanding 70% of the market share. SKP also possess an established and wide business network overseas that spans across 4 continents. The markets include USA, United Kingdom, Australia, Japan, Europe, Brunei, Middle East and Korea, etc. Large Enterprise Scale: Size of facilities, main branches, figure of retails: Because SKP has set up many different outlet retails point,customers including food chains, coffee shops, supermarkets, coffee-clubs, and food courts around the island. SKP has 46 outlets island-wide in Singapore to date. These are some of the "firsts" in the plastic industry that SKP has achieved: - The introduction of thin walled plastic disposable containers - Investment in multi-million dollar technology, including the most advanced double-sided moulds - The best machines and the engagement of skilled technicians - Introduction of full colour print on plastic cups (the only company in Singapore with the technology and resources to produce this) - Introduction of thermoforming production which manufactures plastic containers that is flexible and durable, thus overcoming the shortcomings of rigidity and brittleness of moulded containers.\\\

14 Reputation : SKP has established a notable reputation for quality and thus enjoys strong brand- loyalty from customers. Conclusion: SKP’s success lies in strive for continual commitment in establishing partnerships with customers and suppliers. Through a concerted focus on service excellence, quality products and value added solutions, SKP continuously seek to maintain its reputation for reliability and credibility in all aspects.

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