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JESSICA LASSANDRO Is human trafficking a growing problem in America?

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Presentation on theme: "JESSICA LASSANDRO Is human trafficking a growing problem in America?"— Presentation transcript:

1 JESSICA LASSANDRO Is human trafficking a growing problem in America?

2 Research Human trafficking is the illegal trade of human beings. There are two main types of human trafficking: domestic sex trafficking and labor trafficking. Domestic sex trafficking is the trafficking of persons for the use of sex. Labor trafficking is the trafficking of persons for labor.

3 Research In America, human trafficking is continuously growing. This number continues to grow yearly. America provides victims to be taken out and provides places for victims to be brought in. Certain places attract it more than others.

4 Research America has taken steps to prevent human trafficking like the TVPA, hotline numbers, and more intensive trafficking training for state police. Only about 15 percent of victims are able to return home.

5 Because I researched human trafficking and I decided to volunteer at the North Carolina Coalition Against Sexual Assault.

6 Product I first had to contact an organization to volunteer at. I found out about the North Carolina Caolition Against Sexual Assault from a human trafficking website called I emailed the vice president and she was more than happy to set up an interview. I started the week after the interview took place.

7 Product I went every Monday, or Tuesday, for 2 ½ hours. Usually from 12 to 2:30. Once I started volunteering, I was always kept busy. My mentor asked me to make two brochures for NCCASA depicting the different types of human trafficking.

8 Product Next, once the brochures were finished, I had to get them approved by the organization members. They were approved by the president of NCCASA I went for another couple of weeks to do a few more projects, including one where I was asked to help design banners for NCCASA

9 Mentor My mentor was Robin Colbert. She is on the chair board and vice president of the NCCASA. She gave me feedback on my product. Was always prepared with projects for me to do around the office. Gave me projects to get better acquainted with the topic

10 Mentor

11 Challenges and Successes The challenges were trying to find accurate information and trying to find an organization to volunteer at. Making the brochures took longer than I thought it would. Successes in my project was time, nothing really went wrong and my mentor was always prepared and helpful. I was also asked to continue volunteering in the summer.

12 What I learned I learned that it is helpful to think outside of the box at NCCASA, to set up a website, to make a resume, and I learned that I would like to help do something to prevent human trafficking when I get older.

13 Thank you for your time. Are there any questions?

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