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Gas Turbine Components: Closed Cycle 1 Compressor Turbine 4 3 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Gas Turbine Components: Closed Cycle 1 Compressor Turbine 4 3 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gas Turbine Components: Closed Cycle 1 Compressor Turbine 4 3 2

2 Ideal Model of Compressor 1. Steady-state 2. Isentropic: Adiabatic and reversible 3. One stream in and one stream out 4. Changes in KE and PE are small compared to enthalpy change  ‚„ „„ „ 

3 Turbojet Thrust VaVa VjVj Assume ideal case where P a = P j & assume that Area a = Area j Drag Force

4 Turbojet Thrust Conservation of momentum Apply in x-direction

5 Propulsion efficiency Propulsion efficiency in this idealized case is then 1 The propulsion efficiency goes to __ as V j  V a. This is why turbofans were created, they provide thrust with a low velocity jet to get high efficiency!

6 Turbofan

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