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Communication in tech. through out history By: Tea Kidd, El’lesse Thurman, & Kiandra Morrison.

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Presentation on theme: "Communication in tech. through out history By: Tea Kidd, El’lesse Thurman, & Kiandra Morrison."— Presentation transcript:

1 Communication in tech. through out history By: Tea Kidd, El’lesse Thurman, & Kiandra Morrison

2 1567 Graphite “lead” pencil [holder] invented by Conrad Gesner

3 1800 Electric pile (battery) demonstrated by Alessandro Volta

4 1822 First mechanical computer invented by Charles Babbage

5 1826 First internal combustion engine was patented by Samuel Mory

6 1834 Braille invented by Louis Braille

7 1837 First practical telegraph invented by Samuel F.B. Morse

8 1843 Typewriter invented by Charles Thurber Phonographic Correspondence Society formed in England

9 1846 Rotary printing press invented by Richard M. Hoe

10 1856 Book & newspaper folding machine patented by Cyrus Chambers, Jr. 1856 Property of magneto-resistance was discovered by William Thomson

11 1860 Pony Express between Missouri & California

12 1868 The electric voice machine was patented by Thomas Edison Trichrome color photo process patented by Louis Ducos du Hauron

13 1873 Remington typewriter invented by Christopher Sholes

14 1879 Incandescent light invented and demonstrated by Thomas Edison Ready-to-use dry plate for photography invented by George Eastman

15 1998 Microsoft introduces the Windows 98 upgrade to 95 with improved Internet access and system performance The futuristic Apple iMac computer is introduced minus the floppy drive but with a new easy setup Florida High School Online begins online courses Intel Teach to the Future launches a program for worldwide integration of technology in the classroom

16 2004 LinkedIn and MySpace bite into Friendster’s market share of social networkers Microsoft produces Class Server Learning Management Platform to aid school districts with NCLB challenge

17 2005 Information distribution via blogging and podcasting become commonplace on the WWW Spim, SPAM, spit, spyware, and phishing join viruses in computer annoyances, often transmitted via e-mail YouTube ( ) invented by S. Chen, C. Hurley, & J. Karim for online video sharing

18 2010 Touchscreen tablet computer, the iPad, released by Apple YMax Corp, the makers of magicJack, has a new version that lets users make free calls from cell phones Intel developed the Intel Wireless Display (WiDi) that enables users to beam computer screen images to a TV

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