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Josep Juandó & Magüi Pérez Cabaní, Yerevan, Armenia 14th of January, 2014 VERITAS. Tempus project. DISSEMINATION.

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Presentation on theme: "Josep Juandó & Magüi Pérez Cabaní, Yerevan, Armenia 14th of January, 2014 VERITAS. Tempus project. DISSEMINATION."— Presentation transcript:

1 Josep Juandó & Magüi Pérez Cabaní, Yerevan, Armenia 14th of January, 2014 VERITAS. Tempus project. DISSEMINATION

2 1. RESPONSIBILITIES 1.-Leader of the WP (6): UdG (University of Girona) Role: general coordinator. 3.-Participation and active contribution: all the partners. 2.-Local coordination: YSMU ( Yerevan State Medical University) and YSAFA (Yerevan State University of Fine Arts) Role: operative coordination.

3 VERITAS. Tempus project. DISSEMINATION 2.TARGET GROUPS -Own internal community of each partner. -Social environment of each partner. -All the Armenian universities. -All the stakeholders (also at international level)

4 VERITAS. Tempus project. DISSEMINATION 3.CHANNELS TO BE USED -Web-site -Biannual newsletters -Local media (newspapers and talk-shows) -Trainings and workshops -Brochures and guidelines -Conferences

5 VERITAS. Tempus project. DISSEMINATION 4.WEB-SITE -Responsible: YSAFA (construction and maintenance) -Active: From March 2014 to beyond the end of the project. -Possible subcontraction In red, proposals to be decided.

6 VERITAS. Tempus project. DISSEMINATION 5. BIANNUAL NEWSLETTERS -Responsible: YSMU (coordination). -Calendar: June 2014 November 2014 June 2015 November 2015 June 2016 November 2016

7 VERITAS. Tempus project. DISSEMINATION 6. LOCAL MEDIA -Responsible: YSMU (coordination) and all the local partners (publication) -Frequency: At least publish one news per month. Each partner will propose to YSMU one each six months.

8 VERITAS. Tempus project. DISSEMINATION 7.GUIDELINES ON PhD PROGRAMMES -Responsible: YSMU (coordination) and all the local partners (elaboration). With the feedback from EU partners. -Date: April 2016

9 VERITAS. Tempus project. DISSEMINATION 8.DISSEMINATION CONFERENCES -Responsible: YSMU (coordination) and all the partners (participation). -Dates: November 2015 November 2016

10 VERITAS. Tempus project. DISSEMINATION 8. DISSEMINATION TEAM Before the 15 th of February 2013, please communicate to the University of Girona the name and mail address of the person in charge of dissemination in each partner institution.

11 Thank you! Josep Juandó & Magüi Pérez Cabaní Yerevan, Armenia 14th of January, 2014

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