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Art Review.... the game!. Rhythm Which Principle of Design is best demonstrated by the following picture:

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Presentation on theme: "Art Review.... the game!. Rhythm Which Principle of Design is best demonstrated by the following picture:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Art Review.... the game!

2 Rhythm Which Principle of Design is best demonstrated by the following picture:

3 Guidelines Lines used to assist in perspective drawing (usually leading to a vanishing point)‏

4 Pyramids of Giza Name these pyramids: Give 3 interesting facts about these pyramids Tallest structure in world until Eiffel Tower 2 million blocks of stone burial chamber in the heart of the pyramid Airshafts said to have future telling abilities Interior walls covered by relief sculptures

5 Cool colours What are the following:

6 Light What is this area called?

7 Keystone This slide shows the force put on a traditional Roman arch. What is the section labeled “D” called?

8 Warm colours Colours containing mostly Red or Yellow

9 Ionic Name this column:

10 Gesture lines Free-flowing lines that help layout the drawing

11 Demonstrate Contrapposto A body stance that deals with how weight is distributed while standing. The shifting of weight to one leg while the other bends slightly, the hips are angled opposite to the shoulders.

12 Pattern The repetition of an Element of Design

13 Archaic Art During this period, Greek artists came into contact with ideas and styles from outside of Greece. It was also a time when vase painting and sculpture began to reflect Greek ideals. Name this Greek Art period:

14 Contour lines

15 Yellow-Green If you add the following colours together what do you get?

16 Pyramids of Zoser Name these pyramids:

17 Kiln Oven used to heat clay to temperatures as high as 2500º

18 Forms Cube, Sphere, Prism, Cone

19 Neutralize To lessen the intensity of a colour by adding small amounts of its complementary colour.

20 Egyptian What characteristics of this sculpture, besides clothes, indicate that this is Egyptian? What art movement is this from? Rigid body position Left leg forward Material supporting weight of sculpture at back and base

21 Yellow, Red and Blue Primary Colours

22 Radial Balance When the weight appears to be circling or moving towards a central point

23 Colour Definition is... Reflected light


25 Given the indicated light source, where will the cast shadow fall?

26 Triumphal Arch Built to remember a battle and celebrate victory Roman (example: Arch of Constantine).

27 Blue-Green If you add the following colours together what do you get?

28 Square, triangle, circle, rectangle Shapes

29 Coil To roll clay into a tube-like form

30 Greek What Art Movement are these pieces from? Name the Greek time period. Geometric

31 Symmetrical Balance When the weight is evenly distributed on both sides of the artwork

32 yellow-green, yellow-orange, red-orange, red-purple, blue-purple, blue-green Tertiary Colours

33 Colosseum Name this building.

34 Transparent Light can penatrate and you can sometime see throught it

35 Point C Where is the Vanishing point for the following cube? C B A D E

36 Cast shadow What is this area called?

37 It is the only tomb discover which was not emptied by grave robbers Why do we have so many artifact from King Tutankhamen and not other Egyptian Rulers?

38 Achromatic To paint using different tints and tones of a neutral

39 Hellenistic Art In this period, new ideas permeated Greek art, and emotion, drama, and realism began to influence the appearance - and subject matter - of this eras sculpture. Name this Greek Art period:

40 To Fire To bake in a kiln/ drying by heating

41 What was the purpose of these paintings? Track movements of the herd/ Communicate movements to other tribe members What 3 things are causing these paintings to deteriorate? 1. Air circulation 2. Pollution 3. Natural and Artificial light 4. Vandalism 5. Humidity (freezing and thawing)

42 white, gray, black, and brown Neutrals

43 Doric Name this column:

44 Orange If you add the following colours together what do you get?

45 Horizon Line The line where the sky and land appeared to meet.

46 The Romans What society invented indoor plumbing? -this technology was lost during the Middle Ages

47 Core shadow What is this area called?

48 Painterly Lines Line is created by putting two colour beside each other

49 Geometric Art This early period from Greek art history shows how ancient artists adorned many of their works (vase paintings in particular) with precise geometric patterns. Name this Greek Art period:

50 Entablature What is the upper section of a classical building which rests on the columns called? Name the following parts of the entablature A B C A = pediment B = frieze C = metope

51 Score To rough up clay surface in order to join two piece of clay

52 Red-Purple If you add the following colours together what do you get?

53 Prehistoric What Art Movement are these pieces from? What is the name of this art piece? Venus of Willendorf

54 Asymetrical balance When the weight is unevenly distributed on both side of the artwork.

55 Point C Where is the Vanishing point for the following cube? C B A D E

56 Tertiary Colours These colours are made by mixing a primary with a neighboring secondary on the colour wheel.

57 Negative space Is the following image created with positive or negative space?

58 Analogous Colours Colours beside each other on the colour wheel

59 Cool colours Colours containing mostly blue

60 What is the next step to creating a box with one-point perspective? Draw the vertical and horizontal line in between the guidelines to show back edges of the box.

61 Frontal eye and torso Profile head and legs Describe Frontalism Name all 4 points Remember left leg in front of right is an Egyptian trait related to their culture, not Frontalism

62 Shape

63 Pantheon Name this building.

64 Contrast Differences in an artwork

65 Purple If you add the following colours together what do you get?

66 Warm colours What are the following:

67 Opaque When no light can penatrate

68 Slab A piece cut out of flattened clay (like a cookie cutter)‏

69 Light source What is this area called?

70 Value This term refers to the lightness or darkness of a colour

71 Roman: copy of Greek piece Name the art movement this exact piece was created in. (give details to explain your answer) What is the title of this piece and describe the story behind this sculpture? Laocoön, the son of a Trojan priest of Poseidon, defied the rules by marrying and having sons and then warned the Greeks about the Trojan Horse. For his betrayal two serpents were sent to kill him and his sons.

72 Green If you add the following colours together what do you get?

73 Rhythm The repetition of an Element of Design to create movement

74 Space The area around, between and through objects in an artwork

75 Positive space Is the following image created with positive or negative space?

76 Classical Art Often referred to as the "Golden Age" of Greece, this era was a time when perfection was achieved in the arts - the Parthenon was constructed during this fruitful period. Name this Greek Art period:

77 Relative Size Linear perspective term that deals with objects getting smaller as they reach the horizon line

78 Converging lines Linear perspective term that deals with parallel lines appearing to meet as they approach the horizon line

79 Horizon Line The line where the sky and land appeared to meet.

80 Vanishing Point The point on the horizon line where parallel horizontal lines appear to meet as the go further into the distance.

81 Placement Linear perspective term that deals with the distance between the bottom of the object and the horizon line

82 Groin Vault Name this type of Vault

83 Texture The feel of a surface

84 Green, Purple, and Orange Secondary Colours

85 Corinthian Name this column:

86 Tint To lighten a colour using white or water

87 Balance The weighting of objects in an artwork

88 Linear Lines

89 Aphrodite of Melos or Venus de Milo Name one of the names this piece is know by.

90 Shadow What is this area called?

91 Movement The direction your eye travels through an artwork

92 Secondary Colours These colours are made by mixing two primary colours together

93 Monochromatic To paint using different tints and tones of one colour

94 Emphasis The area your eye is draw to in a work of art (AKA the focal point)‏

95 Primary Colours These colours can not be made by mixing any colour combination together

96 Egyptian What Art Movement are these pieces from?

97 Yellow-orange If you add the following colours together what do you get?

98 Tunnel or Barrel Vault Name this type of Vault

99 Clay A natural material used in pottery

100 Pattern Which Principle of Design is best demonstrated by the following picture:

101 Parthenon Name this building: What Greek Art period is it from? Classical

102 Pinch pot In clay, a Cup-shape, created by pushing thumb in ball of clay and pulling up on side with fingers while rotating the clay in your hands

103 Complementary colours Colours opposite each other on the colour wheel

104 Slip Clay/ water mixture of mud consistency used to join two pieces of clay and to smooth over clay surface

105 Cells to hold the gladiators and the animals What was the purpose of the rooms under the wood floor of the Colosseum?

106 Unity Similarities in an artwork

107 Perspective the method of creating the illusion of depth on a two- dimensional surface.

108 Neutrals These are not colours because they do not appear on the colour wheel

109 Mosaics What is the art of creating images with small pieces of colored glass, stone or other materials called?

110 Reflected light What is this area called?

111 Vanishing Point The point on the horizon line where parallel horizontal lines appear to meet as the go further into the distance.

112 Sculpture A 3-dimensional work of art.

113 Fresco Painting on a wall with or onto wet plaster

114 Sphinx Name this piece: What 3 things are said to be damaging the Sphinx? Vandalism Sand storms Acid Rain

115 Form 3D Shape

116 Highlight What is this area called?

117 Tone To darken a colour by adding black

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