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Clinical Matrons Stroke & Older People’s Services Presentation to Health Scrutiny Panel Thursday 26 March 2009 Jeanette Power-Jepson, Clinical Matron David.

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Presentation on theme: "Clinical Matrons Stroke & Older People’s Services Presentation to Health Scrutiny Panel Thursday 26 March 2009 Jeanette Power-Jepson, Clinical Matron David."— Presentation transcript:

1 Clinical Matrons Stroke & Older People’s Services Presentation to Health Scrutiny Panel Thursday 26 March 2009 Jeanette Power-Jepson, Clinical Matron David Broughton, Clinical Director Anne Sutcliffe, Deputy Director of Nursing & Patient Safety

2 Clinical Matrons What tools/processes does the Trust have at its disposal to assess older patients who may display symptoms of dementia? Physical Assessment Recognised Mini Mental State Exam Tool Mood assessment tool Trust G52 Policy – observation policy

3 Clinical Matrons Where applicable, is the Trust informed when a patient has a diagnosed Dementia? From GP letter Previous medical notes Patients Relatives/ Carers However not always a robust system

4 Clinical Matrons What sort of Dementia awareness training do staff on the wards have particularly on those wards where a significant proportion of patients will be in the older category? Dementia awareness training since 2006 Introduction of NVQ mental health Support from Teesside University to deliver mental health awareness training sessions In service training with Medical Staff

5 Clinical Matrons What use do wards make of liaison staff? High demand for support from liaison staff Provide assessment service Provide educational support to staff and patients needs Identify appropriate discharge arrangements

6 Clinical Matrons Does the Trust have a systematic discharge procedure for patients with Dementia? How are carers involved in the discharge process? Process for referral to Older People’s Mental Health Team Relatives/ Carers involved with this process Communication with Medical/ Nursing/Occupational /Physiotherapy/ Social Worker/ Trust Discharge Team

7 Clinical Matrons Is the Trust satisfied with the way it deals with patients with Dementia? Trust recognise the need to continually monitor care and implement new guidance. Continue to work in partnership with mental health and social care colleagues Further develop the pathway for patients with mental health needs for elective and emergency care Currently collecting information to identify the number of patients who access our services Develop a working group led by Clinical Matrons in Elderly to include service users and health and social care representatives. Support the delivery of the Dementia strategy

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