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Project Glaive. Our Vision: A Video Game. Specifically, a video game that all 8 of us could actually enjoy playing. We also needed something that could.

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Presentation on theme: "Project Glaive. Our Vision: A Video Game. Specifically, a video game that all 8 of us could actually enjoy playing. We also needed something that could."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project Glaive

2 Our Vision: A Video Game. Specifically, a video game that all 8 of us could actually enjoy playing. We also needed something that could actually be developed in one semester. So,we chose to re-create the old NES game “Gauntlet”

3 Video (Gauntlet II)

4 Glaive - nounArchaic. A sword or broadsword, from LatinGladius.

5 Glaive - nounArchaic. A sword or broadsword, from LatinGladius. Gauntlet - noun 1. A medieval glove, as of mail or plate 2. An onslaught or attack from all sides.

6 Our Team: Hongcheng Chang Austin Chambers Jason Chen Stephen Chu Jeremy Cowles Michael Hsueh Chris Lindsay Benjamin Yuan

7 Vision 2D Graphics. Sprite driven Top-down “Arena” gameplay Classic SNES characters

8 Improvements Networked; Multiplayer  Windows LIVE  LAN Play Expanded game play  More character classes  Weapon / Item variety  Improved AI

9 Improvements Improved graphics  Environments  Characters Interactive Music  Music adaptive to circumstances (i.e., Fast music during rush of enemies)  Circumstances adaptive to music (i.e., different power ups depending on music type)

10 Architecture Microsoft XNA and C#  Framework Facilitates Game Development Cross Platform  Xbox 360 & Windows support (and Zune?)  Controller or Keyboard Downsides  Microsoft  Prototypical Game Architecture.

11 Our (tentative) architecture

12 Mock-up

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