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COUNTY EMPLOYMENT STATICTICS Presented by Bart Bartlett, Equal Employment Opportunity Investigator Cecilia Johnson, Equal Employment Opportunity Specialist.

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Presentation on theme: "COUNTY EMPLOYMENT STATICTICS Presented by Bart Bartlett, Equal Employment Opportunity Investigator Cecilia Johnson, Equal Employment Opportunity Specialist."— Presentation transcript:

1 COUNTY EMPLOYMENT STATICTICS Presented by Bart Bartlett, Equal Employment Opportunity Investigator Cecilia Johnson, Equal Employment Opportunity Specialist Ben Alvillar, Emiritus Affirmative Action Officer County of Orange February 4, 2014 1

2 Introduction History of Statistical Reports County Specific Reports UU Analysis Examples Q & A Agenda 2

3 Existing Selection Tools Job Related/Content Valid Reliable Confidential Target Recruiting Standardization of Scores QAP Normalization with Multiple Panels Multi-Part Recruitment Procedures Outreach to other public entities 3

4 Importance of Outreach  The County of Orange as an EOE, encourages applicants from diverse backgrounds to apply.  Target marketing is key, but difficult to establish.  Reaching out to public entities will demonstrate our efforts of inviting other population groups that are underrepresented to apply. 44

5 Utilization Analysis 1. Preparing the Analyses 2. Areas of concern 3. Practical uses 4. Long-Term results 5

6 How are they prepared? CAPS Information Raw data is cleaned and organized per Agency EEOP Short form from DOJ is used to generate the statistical data with CLS (Census Labor Statistics) data Utilization report is created Age Analysis is generated internally 6

7 Areas of Concern  The Para-Professional Category  Different reporting agencies require distinct ethnic groups and two or more races 7

8  Compare County of Orange Labor Statistics with those prepared by the Census Bureau for the Geographical Orange County Area  Determine whether over or underutilization exists  Based on the evaluated information we can establish where underutilization occurs and how to work towards parity. Practical Uses 8

9 Achievement of diverse workforce Alignment of County of Orange employment statistics with those of CLS Mitigate legal liability Long-Term Results 9

10 Underutilization based on Gender Underutilization based on Race Examples of County Utilization 10

11 Question and Answers 11

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