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Facebook is Good group | Economics and Helps you connect and share with the people in your life. facebook is Good.

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Presentation on theme: "Facebook is Good group | Economics and Helps you connect and share with the people in your life. facebook is Good."— Presentation transcript:

1 Facebook is Good group | Economics and Management @2015 Helps you connect and share with the people in your life. facebook is Good

2 Facebook is Good group | Economics and Management @2015 1.0 Social Innovation

3 Facebook is Good group | Economics and Management @2015 “Social challenges refer to problems that people have interacting with people in society.” Social Challenges Source:

4 Facebook is Good group | Economics and Management @2015 Social Issues Source: Social Stratification Environmental Racism Economics Issues Education Work & Occupations Inequality Social Disorganization

5 Facebook is Good group | Economics and Management @2015 “A social innovation is a novel solution to a social problem that is more effective, efficient, sustainable, or just, than present solutions and for which the value created accrues primarily to society as a whole rather than private individuals.” - Stanford Graduate School of Business Helps you connect and share with the people in your life.

6 Facebook is Good group | Economics and Management @2015 1.1 Social Capital

7 Facebook is Good group | Economics and Management @2015 The connections between people allows to create a human value. Not only a group of individuals, but a real community. Create new or keep old relationships among people. How else can you find your old buddies?

8 Facebook is Good group | Economics and Management @2015 1.2 Collective Development

9 Facebook is Good group | Economics and Management @2015 You can create your own profile based on your interests. People can easily connect each others according to their passions. From the self-building perspective Facebook is exactly what the people need in order to confirm themselves.

10 Facebook is Good group | Economics and Management @2015 1.3 Freedom

11 Facebook is Good group | Economics and Management @2015 Anyone and everyone becomes a producer of contents, and this function is taken away from central actors susceptible to control by the powerful. The penetration of Facebook “electronic social networks” makes it more difficult for governments to "control the story" - The Economist Sept 29 th, 2010

12 Facebook is Good group | Economics and Management @2015 Freedom of Expression Facebook in some areas is banned E.g: China, Cuba, North Korea. I had a desire to prove to myself that I was actually in control - that I wasn't a puppet. - Sean Parker

13 Facebook is Good group | Economics and Management @2015 Transformation of Politics US Elections Arab Spring

14 Facebook is Good group | Economics and Management @2015 Facebook gets your rights back If we look at the recent experience in Iran, Facebook seems to have encouraged people from risking their life for a cause. - The Economist, 27 th Sept, 2010

15 Facebook is Good group | Economics and Management @2015 1.4 Users Expansion

16 Facebook is Good group | Economics and Management @2015 Facebook is experiencing a continuous expansion in the amount of users. 1550M

17 Facebook is Good group | Economics and Management @2015 Let’s consider the number of Internet Users (Nov 9 th, 2015): 3,241,749,200 Now…How many of them are Facebook Users? Source: …

18 Facebook is Good group | Economics and Management @2015 2.0 Privacy

19 Facebook is Good group | Economics and Management @2015 “Your privacy is very important to us. We designed our Data Policy to make important disclosures about how you can use Facebook to share with others and how we collect and can use your content and information. Source: We encourage you to read the Data Policy, and to use it to help you make informed decisions.”

20 Facebook is Good group | Economics and Management @2015 2.1 Account Possibility to decide: Who can see your profile Who can contact you Whether other search engines can link to your timeline

21 Facebook is Good group | Economics and Management @2015 2.2 Posts Share Options: Public Friends Friends of Friends Friends and Friends of anyone tagged Only Me Custom

22 Facebook is Good group | Economics and Management @2015 2.3 Reports

23 Facebook is Good group | Economics and Management @2015 3.0 Research

24 Facebook is Good group | Economics and Management @2015 3.1 Medical Research Diabetes HIV Cancer Ebola

25 Facebook is Good group | Economics and Management @2015 4.0 Mindset

26 Facebook is Good group | Economics and Management @2015 4.1 Facebook is a must Consumers’ search for authenticity. Facebook users are now asking each other what they think and deciding for themselves who, and what, to believe. Facebook does not make a brand viral. It merely allows consumers to tell others about good brands. YOU DECIDE!!!

27 Facebook is Good group | Economics and Management @2015 5.0 Business

28 Facebook is Good group | Economics and Management @2015 5.1 Advertising

29 Facebook is Good group | Economics and Management @2015 Meet people who will love your business With Facebook Adverts, you create targeted adverts to reach different audiences and meet your business goals.

30 Facebook is Good group | Economics and Management @2015 Test case: 93M Fan Growth +24,358 by day

31 Facebook is Good group | Economics and Management @2015 Others? Fans 93.70 Million 1 Day Growth +2 608 167 Fans Fans 42.29 Million Fans 42.07 Million 1 Day Growth +429 904 Fans 1 Day Growth +419 507 Fans Source:

32 Facebook is Good group | Economics and Management @2015 5.2 Social Buttons

33 Facebook is Good group | Economics and Management @2015 Meet people who will love your business Easy integration between Facebook and other Web Sites. Easy and intuitive to use. You can: Share external posts with your friends. Log-in with your Facebook account.

34 Facebook is Good group | Economics and Management @2015 Facebook matches your life…... changing itself according to your needs

35 Facebook is Good group | Economics and Management @2015 Video

36 Facebook is Good group | Economics and Management @2015

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