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TECHNOLOGY THROUGH TIME Drew 8C. Japan Pre-WWII  The Japanese obviously had smaller boats at first, due to the fact that they though the larger steamboats.

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Presentation on theme: "TECHNOLOGY THROUGH TIME Drew 8C. Japan Pre-WWII  The Japanese obviously had smaller boats at first, due to the fact that they though the larger steamboats."— Presentation transcript:


2 Japan Pre-WWII  The Japanese obviously had smaller boats at first, due to the fact that they though the larger steamboats of the Americans were smoke-puffing dragons.  Up until the Meiji Period, the country was mostly agricultural, and had little to no modern technology.  By the end of the Meiji period, people were getting a better education, and Japan paid more attention to modern technology from around the world.

3 Japan Post-WWII  After WWII, Japan had amazing economic growth, and experienced especially strong growth in one area in particular – Technology.  In 1989, however, the emperor of Japan at the time died. This caused the strong economic growth to screech to a near halt. However, Japan is still known today for it’s amazing technological innovations, such as vending machines that dispense Wi-Fi and robotic mind-controlled cat ears that detect your level of focus and display it with a distinct motion.

4 Most of the people who took this survey had accounts on YouTube. This tells us that YouTube is probably the most popular out of all these sites. Also, it shows that many people have accounts on more than one website that features social networking. Q1

5 This question shows that most people surveyed have a smart phone. The only person that didn’t have one wanted one. This goes to show that smart phones have become quite popular. Smart phones are a relatively new technology, only a few years old, and yet already lots of people have them. This shows that they are gaining popularity rapidly. Q2

6 This question shows that most people had only one or two computers in their house in 2006. I chose 2006 because it seemed reasonably far back. This question is rather meaningless without the next one, so I’ll explain how the data shows the increase in technology there. Q3

7 This question shoes that most people these days have 4 or more computers in their house. This is really interesting, because only 7 years ago, people only had 1 or 2. This shows that people are using technology more frequently, and thus have the need for multiple computers. Laptops are more convenient now, too, so some people may have a desktop computer and a laptop. Q4

8 This question shows that most people really don’t care about the idea of social networking, but more importantly, that none of the people interviewed hate it. This shows that people would be willing to use social networking technology, which has been really big lately. Q5

9 Everyone who took the survey liked recent technology innovations. This is significant as it shows that the people who develop these products are headed in the right direction. It also shows that, since they like it, people are more likely to use newer technology. Q6

10 Conclusion  My conclusion is that people use technology more than they did 7 years ago. Technology appears to be headed in the right direction for the people of this generation (everyone who took it was my age or younger), and nobody hates Social Networking. Overall, I think that technology has improved in the past 7 years, and will continue to improve until the human race is wiped out, which we all know won’t happen anytime soon.

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