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Vocabulary List 7b Yay for expanding our ability to articulate thoughts.

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1 Vocabulary List 7b Yay for expanding our ability to articulate thoughts

2 agnostic (ag NOS tik) – O one who believes it is impossible to know whether or not God exists O Synonyms: unbeliever, doubter, questioner, skeptic (SKEP tik)

3 agnostic O coined by T.H. Huxley (1825-1895) from Gk. agnostos "unknown, unknowable," from a- "not" + gnostos "(to be) known" O Sometimes said to be a reference to Paul's mention of the altar to "the Unknown God," but according to Huxley, it was coined with reference to the early Church movement known as Gnosticism

4 nepotism (NEP uh tiz um) O favoritism to relatives in giving jobs and offices O Synonyms: favoritism, patronage (PAY truh nij, PA truh nij)

5 nepotism O 1662, nepotismo, (nepote "nephew) O Originally, privileges granted to a pope's "nephew" which was a euphemism for his natural son.

6 enigmatic (en ig MAT ik) O puzzling, mysterious, perplexing O Synonyms: mystifying, baffling, bewildering, obscure, cryptic (KRIP tik)

7 enigmatic O From Greek ainigma (riddle) O One of the most famous Greek riddles is that of the Sphinx: O What walks on four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon, and three legs in the evening. O If travelers didn’t know, she’d eat them.

8 blatant (BLAYT unt) O completely obvious, often offensively so; shameless O Synonyms: clear, outstanding, prominent, conspicuous (kon SPIK yoo us)

9 blatant O blatant beast, coined by Edmund Spenser in "The Faerie Queen" to describe a thousand- tongued monster representing slander; probably suggested by L. blatire "to babble.“ O It entered general use 1650s, as "noisy in an offensive and vulgar way;" the sense of "obvious, glaringly conspicuous" is from 1889.

10 nebulous (NEB yuh lus) O unclear, hazy, indistinct O Synonyms: fuzzy, murky, imprecise, confused, vague (VAYG)

11 nebulous O Latin nebulosus "cloudy, misty, foggy," from nebula

12 Roots O Viv – to live O Vivacious, revive O Tact – to touch O Contact, tactile O Punct – to sting O puncture O Grad – step O Gradual, graduate O Graph – to write O Telegraph, graphite

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