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Alan Bass and Terrie Teegarden Fall 2009 FACCTS FAculty Collaborations for Course TransformationS An Overview and an Example.

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Presentation on theme: "Alan Bass and Terrie Teegarden Fall 2009 FACCTS FAculty Collaborations for Course TransformationS An Overview and an Example."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alan Bass and Terrie Teegarden Fall 2009 FACCTS FAculty Collaborations for Course TransformationS An Overview and an Example

2 FACCTS is an ongoing project to leverage faculty work to enhance learning and student success, through collaboration across institutions within a region Faculty share knowledge and resources to help them each implement a project (or projects) to increase success & retention in basic skills courses at their institution NOT an effort to standardize courses!

3 Grant Support FACCTS is supported by the Center for Research in Mathematics and Science Education at San Diego State University and by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. Center for Research in Mathematics and Science EducationWilliam and Flora Hewlett Foundation

4 Tom Carey – “Chief Catalyst” FACCTS website/blog: “How would you like to spend a semester doing a ‘course redesign’?”

5 What Does “Course Redesign” Mean? Any intervention that can be help increase success and retention in basic skills class. It does not necessarily mean curriculum change. Colleges in the FACCTS team do not have to work on the same intervention or even the same course.

6 The San Diego Team’s Schools and Their Redesigns: Southwestern College develop activities for Plus-Lab Grossmont College start a Math Academy Santa Ana College develop modules to assist students with applications (word problems) San Diego City College develop “hands-on”, kinesthetic activities Pre and Beginning Algebra Santiago Canyon College develop a tutor training program for SI’s and tutors Cuyamaca College start a SI program including Collaborative Teaching Workshops start learning workshops for basic skills students San Diego Mesa College develop class activities across the curriculum

7 Facilitating Collaboration 2 meetings in the beginning of the project: – Orientation – Launch: present & discuss plans 1 mid-semester meeting,1 wrap-up BIMONTHLY PHONE MEETINGS! Ongoing interaction during implementation and evaluation, and sharing of results Google Groups website

8 Facilitating Collaboration Why all the documentation? − To show grant providers. − To produce resources for use by others − Accountability!

9 Mesa College’s Project: Alan Bass and Terrie Teegarden Develop Cross-Curricular Class Activities to Demonstrate Relevance of Basic Math “The activities should be based on the skills that our students need in vocational programs and other disciplines.” This mission was inspired by the BSI “Poppy Copy”.

10 Mesa’s Procedure: Solicited material from ALL vocational and non- vocational departments for which Math Pre, Beginning and/or Intermediate Algebra is a prerequisite. Sciences to Culinary Arts to Animal Medical and Beyond Problem Material was either WAY to simple, WAY too complicated, or in a form that is no different than textbook word problems.

11 Mesa’s Results: We got enough material to make 8 labs that would be true collaborations with other departments!

12 Mesa’s Results: 9 Projects for Prealgebra: 3 projects are collaborations with other departments. 2 activities require students to do internet research. 1 of the projects is “hands-on”. 9 Projects for Beginning Algebra: 5 projects are collaborations with other departments. 1 activity requires students to do internet research.

13 The Good, The Bad, and The AWESOME! The Good: We are running the labs this semester. Student feedback is good! The Bad: Our eyes were bigger than our brains! The AWESOME! The future! Grant to create a Developmental Math Library of activities. State BSI and NSF

14 Your Mission... Provide feedback on the labs Check keys Make notes on “Instructor Notes” Your group will do a short overhead report on your favorite lab and your least favorite lab: Your impression Notes you made Instructor notes

15 Where to get the labs... bsicollection/ bsicollection/ id: password: Learn*More*Now The site a a work space! THANK YOU! Alan Bass – Terrie Teegarden –

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