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Diseases 6th Grade Health Class OTTW: Communicable Diseases (CD)

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Presentation on theme: "Diseases 6th Grade Health Class OTTW: Communicable Diseases (CD)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Diseases 6th Grade Health Class OTTW: Communicable Diseases (CD)

2 Communicable Diseases Intro What is a Disease? How is it transmitted? How can it be prevented?

3 Example This is an example of NON-COMMUNICABLE disease and you will be doing a COMMUNICABLE disease

4 One to the World Project (OTTW) Create a poster, flyer, or newsletter for ONE communicable diseases (CD). You have TWO checkpoints that you must complete: both are summative assignments Each checkpoint will help you build your final project, like the the one pictured in the previous slide

5 Checkpoint #1 PointsPoints Earned What is your disease?5 How is it transmitted? -How does this spread.. ex: animals/humans, direct contact/ indirect contact 5 What are signs/symptoms of someone who has the disease?5 What are the methods of prevention? -how can we prevent getting/spreading the disease 5 Due By: __________ 20 points- product includes information from all 4 areas 15 points- product is missing information from 1 area 10 points- product is missing information from 2 areas 5 points- product is missing information from 3 areas

6 Checkpoint #2 PointsPoints Earned Have there been any outbreaks? -Local (Loudoun County)/ Statewide/ National/ International ** must include statistics 5 Resources for public -Where can public find more information 5 Treatment -What treatments are avavlible for those who have this disease? 5 What will you do to spread awareness of this disease?5 Due By: __________ 20 points- product includes information from all 4 areas 15 points- product is missing information from 1 area 10 points- product is missing information from 2 areas 5 points- product is missing information from 3 areas

7 More info You will be assigned one communicable disease You will responsible for: Researching the info on your specific disease Having sources/information from rubric organized, written down & in kid-friendly language ( ready to make into poster, flyer, or newsletter) Having ALL information from rubric on your poster, flyer, or newsletter The two rubrics will be your summative grades

8 So, what’s what? Communicable disease refers to disease that can pass from one person to another. **This is what you will be presenting on** Spread often happens via airborne viruses or bacteria, but also through blood or other bodily fluid. Terms also used are infectious and contagious Non-communicable diseases occur in one person and cannot be passed on to another person

9 What is your disease? (example for Checkpoint #1) Diabetes.. also known as diabetes mellitus. Diabetes is a non-communicable disease Diabete s is metabolic diseases in which the person has high blood glucose (blood sugar), either because insulin production is inadequate, or because the body's cells do not respond properly to insulin, or both

10 Risk Factors- Checkpoint #1 Risk Factors are things that are environmental. Typically, you are in a situation that will make your risk higher because of your actions/environment. *There are steps you can take to prevent the risks* For example: Diabetes... #1: Geography. Certain countries, such as Finland and Sweden, have higher rates of type 1 diabetes #2: Circumstances such as exposure to a viral illness likely play some role in type 1 diabetes.

11 People who would be at risk: (Checkpoint #2) This is DIFFERENT than Risk Factors. These are people who, due to their circumstances, are more at risk for obtaining the disease than other people. People at higher risk of developing diabetes complications include: Genetics (family has it) Obesity High Blood Pressure Age You will also need to include people at LOW risk of getting disease

12 Signs/Symptoms (Checkpoint #1) Common signs and symptoms of the diabetes include: Urinating oftenFeeling very thirstyFeeling very hungry- even when eating Extreme fatigue Blurry visionCuts/bruises that are slow to heal Weight loss- even when you’re eating (type 1) Tingling, pain, or numbness of hands/feet (type 2)

13 Methods of prevention from getting sick... Checkpoint #1 For diabetes.. Eating healthy Weight control Get moving- turn off tv and exercise Don’t smoke

14 How does Disease Affect Bodily Functions?

15 Resources for the Public ★ Where can the public get more information? ★ Are there websites that are really informative? ★ Do you know of an organization that people can go for support? ★ Are there phone numbers people can call to ask questions? Checkpoint #2

16 How to use this information Put all of this info together on a poster, flyer, or newsletter. Top few posters will be showcased via school website, facebook, or around the school… so do your best!!

17 Communicable Diseases Include These are the ones we will be using: Colds Influenza Chicken Pox Measles Pneumonia Ebola Enterovirus D68 HIV/AIDS MRSA Whooping cough Tuberculosis West Nile Virus **You will be assigned a disease as well as a partner. No exceptions.**

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