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CDA State Pilot Project: Timeframe Nov-Dec 2011 – Recruitment and Pilot Design – DE (DHIN, DHIE, DPH) HAI reporting via NHSN (national health & safety.

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Presentation on theme: "CDA State Pilot Project: Timeframe Nov-Dec 2011 – Recruitment and Pilot Design – DE (DHIN, DHIE, DPH) HAI reporting via NHSN (national health & safety."— Presentation transcript:

1 CDA State Pilot Project: Timeframe Nov-Dec 2011 – Recruitment and Pilot Design – DE (DHIN, DHIE, DPH) HAI reporting via NHSN (national health & safety network)? – CA? (Atlas Public Health) – Greenway Technology – Oz Systems Jan 2012- IHE Connectathon Testing Feb 2012 – HIMSS Showcase (Lab/case reports for TB, HAI) January-April 2012 – Development May 2012- Pilot

2 Clinical Document Architecture (CDA) Standard for Public Health (CDA for PH): Proposed Public Health Programs for CDA for PH Pilot Project: Biosurveillance (with focus on laboratory data for influenza; and reporting decisions) Cancer Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) Electronic Laboratory Reporting o TB o HepB o Flu o Antrax o Tularemia Electronic Case Reporting ( provider to local/state PH; and local/state PH to CDC) o TB o HepB o Flu o Antrax o Tularemia o Plus 10 other conditions, e.g.,HAI, etc. HAI (the template for position statement in CSTE by 01/12) – check with DE Immunizations Public Health Case Reporting (from EMR - HIV or TB or Morbidity Report)

3 Action Items Statement of Work for Participating State(s) – 12/15 – (Mark, Anna, Marshall, Terese, Nitin, Lisa) – DE Interoperability Model Pilot Scenario(s) (Lisa, Jib) – Criteria for selecting conditions (standards are ready to go, morbidity/mortality prevalence, other) – Conditions – to be decided by CSTE and States - 12/15 HIMSS Demo Scenarios – 11/28 CDA Templates – Initial 02/2012 – (Sondra, Mark, Marshall, Anna, Nitin) – TB, HAI (Atlas!) Technical Advisory Group (TAG) for State Implementations – Define challenges to address – APHL TAG for PHLIP as examples – Advisors: Nitin (Oz Systems), Atlas, DE, Sondra’s team, Calls schedule: Dec 2 1-2pm ET. Every Other Friday 2-4 starting 12/9 Outreach/Communication Plan for the Project – Ongoing – Maiko/CSTE/APHL

4 For TAG Leader 1.Pilot Overview Document explaining the pilot to be replicable in other states and domains – May 2012 1.Outline= IHE Volume 1 Write-Up or IHE PCC Workflow Profile 2011-2012 (ereferal and telemonitoring) – Draft 1/16 1.State Specific Description - Draft 2/28 2.Design the Pilot Architecture diagram 1.State Specific Diagrams - Draft 2/28 2.Recruit/Form state pilot workgroups 1.Identify/recruit senders-receivers vendors, PH programs, IT support for actual site (DE, CA, TX, WI, CT; HISPC 10state project model) 2.Define roles of the TAG members in the pilot and unintended consequences 3.Work with state pilot workgroups to execute the pilot test – invite APHL PHLIP TAGs and others – Flu Labs 4.Align with other pilots in PH and with S&I PH Reporting Pilots

5 PH Reporting Technical Framework

6 Provider EHR laboratory LIMS Local or State PH Program IS HIE Or PH Communication Server For HL7 2.x messages: Rhapsody to translate 2.x messages and CDA For CDA: RFD NHIN Connect XDS DSUB NAV Pseudonymize Test Result Case Report CDC PH Program IS Test Result Case Report Clinical Document Architecture (CDA) Standard for Public Health (CDA for PH): Proposed State-based Pilot Project Schema : Scope: 1,2,3 Test Order 1 2 3

7 Provider EHR laboratory LIMS Local or State PH Program IS HIE Or PH Communication Server For HL7 2.x messages: Rhapsody to translate 2.x messages and CDA For CDA: RFD NHIN Connect XDS DSUB NAV Pseudonymize Test Result Case Report CDC PH Program IS Test Result Case Report Test Order 1 2 3 4

8 User Story: State-Specific Story, Condition-Specific, Setting Specific Communicable Diseases, Outpatient Flow Patient, Provider/Physician, Laboratory, PH agency 1.Patient comes to Physician with symptoms of a disease. 2.Physician provides clinical examination and assesses medical history. If patient’s symptoms require PH reporting w/o waiting for lab results, sends a report to PH agency. 3.Physician orders lab and any diagnostic tests. Office staff takes samples and sends them to Laboratory. Any diagnostic tests are performed. 4.Laboratory performs ordered tests on received specimens. 5.Laboratory send results to Physician and PH agency (if needed) 6.Physician re-examines clinical findings/diagnostic results and lab results; sends report to a PH agency. 7.Electronic message validated by PH agency/information system 8.Electronic confirmation was sent from PH agency to Provider 9.PH agency links lab report and case report to single individual. User Story Names: Actors: Flow of Events: Pre-condition Post-condition Preferred Timing for Each Event Type EHR System Public Health Agency’s Information System

9 HIMSS Interoperability Showcase: Public Health Reporting Use Case 1 2 3 Scope: 1,2,3

10 Provider EHR laboratory LIMS Local or State PH Program IS HIE Or PH Communication Server For HL7 2.x messages: Rhapsody to translate 2.x messages and CDA For CDA: RFD NHIN Connect XDS DSUB NAV Pseudonymize Test Result Case Report CDC PH Program IS Test Result Case Report Clinical Document Architecture (CDA) Standard for Public Health (CDA for PH): Proposed State-based Pilot Project Schema Test Order

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