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Hazardous Waste management in Estonia 13.06.2006, Valencia Peeter Eek Director General Waste Department Ministry of the Environment

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1 Hazardous Waste management in Estonia 13.06.2006, Valencia Peeter Eek Director General Waste Department Ministry of the Environment

2 Legislation in basic... As is required by Waste Directive 75/442 and Hazardous Waste Directive 91/689 To take HazW from other companies and persons, special HazW management licence in addition to normal waste permit, is required. Insurance is required to HazW activities, depending from the activity There are ca 100 HazW licencies issued, big part only for collection and for bilge water, some have been reappealed, because of failures to fill requirements The HazW licence is issued by Moe, waste permits by Regional Environmental Departments

3 Basic problems with the Hazardous waste Directive Where is exact borderline between HazW and Non-HazW? As a first step, answer should be found from EWC (European Waste Catalogue), but often is this not enough, or are some (mainly economical) reasons to say, that HazW is not a HazW! As second step, decisions should base on researches and analyses; On 2003 there was carried out study to clear the hazardousness of the Oil-shale semi coke, what was found to be HazW, because of oil-content, phenols, H5,H8 and H14 properties

4 Basic problems with the Hazardous waste: Financing Basic approach – 'Polluter pays' – but it's not possible to use this 100 %.... - means, different financial supports are needed - State established a network of basic Centres of collections, also Regional Landfills and Waste Stations are supported essential amounts - Municipalities are supported for the collection of HasW from Households - from ERDF, Cohesion Fund etc., also Private operators have been or could be yet supported – but the HasW from businesses must base on 'polluter pays' as long as possible (but – State Aid problems etc.)‏ The State Supports trough the Environmental Investment Centre, income 100 % from Environmental charges incl. landfill tax for all industrial landfills

5 Amounts of the Hazardous Waste: General Average Total Waste generation in EU per capita is 3,5 t/a, from that Hazardous waste ca 3 % Average Total Waste generation in Estonia per capita is ca 13 t/a from that Hazardous waste ca 30 % Average Municipal Waste generation in EU per capita is 450 kg/a Average Municipal Waste generation in Estonia per capita is 400 kg/a ( Aim of the Waste Management Plan 2008 – de-coupling the Growth of Economy from the increase of the Waste Generation

6 Share of the hazardous Waste in total Waste in Estonia blue- non-hazarduos waste, violet – Hazardous Waste, (mill T)‏

7 Hazardous Waste Total mill T 98 % 'oil-shale industry waste' 2 %, 150 th t – all others

8 Oil-shale semicoke: Ski-Resort or HasW landfill ?

9 Thermal processis in the landfill

10 Tar-waste lagoon

11 Some Basic considerations:.I n general – HazW management is private business The competition makes to companies minimize costs - what could be in HazW management also really dangerous.... as HazW is sometimes just abandoned – then comes to the Public costs anyway There are 3 State-owned HazW collection Centres, but a lot of operations are performed by private Companies - Service area ca 100-150 km from such a centre - Important part is incineration – ca 30 Th t different (mainly liquid) wastes are incinerated in cement Kilns, it is increasing - There is also one small private incinerator for Solid HasW In General, co-operation with dedicated Private companies works well, although there have bees cases of abandoned HasW

12 Hazardous waste – special needs.... Sometimes it seems, that knowledge of astrology and astrophysics are needed... As the planning of the HazW quantities is often more 'just forecasting', then data-based estimation (i.e. Similar to Astrology) – depends from changes in the production etc There always 'a hidden mass' in HazW management, 'invisible part' of HazW, not-reported, officially non-existing- partly is this just not sorted out (as part of the municipal waste), partly is separated, but not treated legally (as waste- oils) - this is like 'Hidden mass' in astrophysics

13 Hazardous waste generation by counties

14 Development of the State owned Hazardous Waste System (HazWS)‏ HazWS is developed since 1994, on 1994-2004 with the essential support by Denmark Several studies were carried out, to get basic data for planning Four regional HazW collection-treatment Centres was planned, one as a central with the special HazW landfill Collection centre in Tallinn in operation since 1998, new centre in Tartu opened 2007 New Regional landfills operate partly as HazW collection centres - Since the planning face is Economy changed basically – generation of certain types of HW is ended....

15 HazW collection-treatment centre in Tallinn The site selection and construction 1995-1998 owned by MoE, operated by private HazW management Company - total capacity up to 12 th t/a HazW, but due to the changes in economy, much less is treated - re-packing, labelling, separation of oil-water mixtures is carried out, temporary storage until transport to the R-D facilities

16 HazW management centre in Vaivara Serious dispute on site selection until 1999, final site near power station in N-E of Estonia Special landfill – planning area ca 3 ha, from that four cells together 1,6 ha is ready. Landfilling in layers up to 3 m. The site selection and construction 1999-2000, co-financed by PHARE owned by MoE, operated by private HazW management Company 'Gate fees' mainly 100-200 €/t, thus for heavy-metals, small chemicals etc. wastes up to 30 €/kg All obsolete pesticides over the Estonia was brought to Vaivara (ca 600 T), 2001-2006 was sent to treatment to the other EU countries (FI, DE), financed by State

17 HazW Management Centre in Tartu: Collection, re-packing, analising, inceneration of solid HasW (incl. Hospital waste) ‏

18 Contaminated soils Huge amount to treat, still only most dangerous areas or the areas with other development interest have been cleaned off - most of the former Soviet military bases - majority of former industrial sites, related with oil-products and chemicals - estimation given – up to 500 th. T of contaminated soils to treat - under Cohesion Fund Technical Asssistance program there is in preparation project to clean up ca 70 sites during 2008-2010

19 Collection of the Municipal HazW Municipalities are responsible to organise municipal HazW collection In most towns this is organised by special HazW collection sites, sometimes in gasolin station, but generally in waste stations etc. In rural municipalites collection is often organised by special collection campainges, when special HazW management company is hired to do the job. Household HazW is free of charge on most cases (depends from quantities)‏ State supports both HazW set-up of collection system with containers as collection campaignes

20 WEEE, Batteries and ELV – new types of HazW Covered by 'producer responsibiliy principle', but in the sence of HazW treatment – new waste fractions - WEEE and ELV collection often motivateid by material prices (metals) – often reason for illegal collection and handling There are licenced treatment facilities, but at least on WEEE treatment are the PRO-s using on 'lower price' basis services in other MS-s

21 Recovery and Disposal of Hazardous Waste

22 Special waste streams under consideration Port facility's waste – pilge water, slops etc. - up to 37 th t/a – but in comparison with other EU countris per register t of ships – seems to be too few Waste oil – estimated by 'new engine oil put on the market' that at least 50 % will be as 'waste oil', but just 25 % from that amount is collected Asbestos- containing materials incl. roof plates 'eternite' is allowed to landfill on landfills for non-haz-waste, but it's costs ca 35-40 €/t PCB-containing appliancies – registrations was carried out already on 2001, but it comes clear, that there are additional apllianced, not covered before....

23 Under the Discussion Future of the State -owned HaW managent system – should it remain 'state owned' or is it possible to privatizise it? Supervision of HazW in general – from PCB appliances to CRT-monitors and batteries ! Further development of household HazW collection – as not sufficient yet Further development of waste inceneration in cement kilns, Hospital waste – still HazW (H14) quantities sent to the treatment differ highly by different hospitals

24 Thank for Your attention!

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