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Chapter Seventh Edition O ut of Many A History of the American People Brief Sixth Edition Copyright ©2012 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter Seventh Edition O ut of Many A History of the American People Brief Sixth Edition Copyright ©2012 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter Seventh Edition O ut of Many A History of the American People Brief Sixth Edition Copyright ©2012 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Out of Many: A History of the American People, Brief Sixth Edition John Mack Faragher Mari Jo Buhle Daniel Czitrom Susan H. Armitage The Cultures of Colonial North America 1700-1780 5

2 North American Regions

3 North American Region British North America was a land of regions, both European and Native, with customs and traditions constantly adapting to each other.

4 Indian America Indians adapted to European culture and participated in trade The introduction of the horse stimulated the rise of nomadic Plains culture.

5 MAP 5.2 Growing Use of the Horse by Plains Indians

6 A portrait of the Delaware chief Tishcohan

7 MAP 5.1 Regions in Eighteenth-Century North America

8 The Spanish Borderlands New Mexico  Population expanded by developing ranches and farms along the Rio Grande River

9 The Spanish Borderlands Florida: Spanish alliances with Indians and runaway slaves create a multiracial society

10 An eighteenth- century genre painting from New Spain showing various racial castas, the result of ethnic mixing.

11 A mounted Soldado de Cuera (Spanish Leather-Coated Soldier)

12 TABLE 5.1 Population of North America in 1750


14 Crevecoeur Describing the Natives “They are hastening towards a total annihilation.” Between 1680 and 1760 many Native American cultures disappeared or merged with other cultures.

15 FIGURE 5.2 The Ancestry of the British Colonial Population

16 MAP 5.5 Ethnic Groups in Eighteenth- Century British North America

17 Growth and Immigration In 1700, 290,000 colonists lived north of Mexico; by 1750, almost 1.3 million. Britain alone encouraged immigration of foreign nationals, making her colonies the most diverse.

18 New England Puritan congregations governed local communities with little distinction between church and state.

19 New England (cont’d) New England towns grew rapidly and the expanding population pressed against available land.


21 The Persistence of Traditional Culture in the New World Family, kinship, church, local community Regional cultures via oral transmission Community over individual Rural Americans  Self-sufficient farmers, diverse agriculture, crafts on the side Cities  Artisans

22 New England Although New England farmers tried to grow wheat, in most places the soil was too poor, and the presence of a fungus called black rust prevented any real success during the colonial era. As a result, the main crop grown in colonial New England was corn.

23 New England New England had fishing as a major industry in the region. The Grand Banks, a shallow region in the Atlantic Ocean saw cod, mackerel, halibut, and herring, and of course whaling


25 A spinner and potter from The Book of Trades


27 Gristmill with water wheel, Skyline Drive, VA.

28 Philadelphia - 1720 a View of the Philadelphia waterfront, painted about 1720

29 MAP 5.4 Spread of Settlement: Movement into the Backcountry, 1720–60

30 A Plan of an American New Cleared Farm

31 New France The first French settlements were fishing villages along the coast, but fur displaced fish as the center of New France’s economy New France encompassed the Great Lakes region and the area of the Mississippi River valley to the Gulf Coast

32 MAP 5.3 The French Crescent

33 New France Although New France often lost money with the fur trade, the French did not want to lose the fur trade to their imperial rivals, the English

34 Fur Trade The French went to great lengths to continue the fur trade in order to maintain their relationships with Native allies.

35 FIGURE 5.1 Estimated Total Population of New Spain, New France, and the British North American Colonies, 1700–1800

36 America’s Enlightenment and Great Awakening A period marking the contrasting ideas of intellectual reason and religious emotionalism

37 Literacy The American Colonies were the most literate society in the world (90% of males in NE, 40% of females) Literacy throughout varied from 35-50%. England averaged about 30%.

38 REASON OVER REVELATION  Great advances in Europe (Newton) moved the world as people became more dependent on reason to unlocking the laws of nature. Inspired others to search for reason.

39 John Locke Character of individuals was not fixed could be changed through education. Governmental power was not derived through god to monarchs but rather was derived from the need to preserve “life, liberty, and property” of the governed.

40 The Father of America’s Enlightenment Franklin and the Junto a mutual improvement society, bent on debate. Poor Richards Almanack: a collection of essays, maxims, and proverbs.

41 Insurance

42 Founded the Philadelphia Library


44 The Philadelphia Hospital, the nations first—courtesy of Franklin

45 Philadelphia Hospital "to care for the sick-poor and insane who were wandering the streets of Philadelphia." "a melting pot for diseases, where Europeans, Africans and Indians engaged in free exchange of their respective infections." Franklin saved the day with a clever plan to counter the claim by challenging the Assembly that he could prove the populace supported the hospital bill by agreeing to raise 2000 pounds from private citizens. If he was able to raise the funds, Franklin proposed, the Assembly had to match the funds with an additional 2000 pounds. The Assembly agreed to Franklin's plan, thinking his task was impossible, but they were ready to receive the "credit of being charitable without the expense." Franklin's fundraising effort brought in more than the required amount.

46 American Philosophical Society American Philosophical Society: 1743 (Jefferson a later president) “all philosophical experiments that let light into the nature of things tend to increase the power of man over matter, and multiply the conveniences and pleasures of life”. Other impacts: started volunteer fire department, first library, founded the college of Philadelphia (now Penn) which founded the first medical school. Electricity, stoves, etc…

47 Deism Deists: rational god who created the universe not to intervene. Religion? Viewed as valuable as it regulated morals.

48 Great Awakening Began in the mid 1730’s, when Americans had fallen “asleep” religiously and needed awakening. Religion was an emotionally charged matter. Revivals were held to restore the faith.

49 New Lights vs. Old Lights New Lights Part of the new “revivals” Felt that religious message had run astray. Baptists, Methodists, and Presbyterians Old Lights Traditional “old” beliefs within the colonies. Congregationalists Quakers Anglicans




53 Baptism by Full Immersion in the Schuylkill River of Pennsylvania, an engraving by Henry Dawkins

54 George Whitefield His tours inspired thousands to seek salvation, after one Connecticut tour the population of the church jumped from 630 in 1740 to 3,217 one year later! Franklin “that I emptied my pocket wholly into the collectors dish, gold, silver, and all!”

55 Jonathan Edwards  “The god that holds you over the pit of Hell, much as one holds a spider or other loathsome insect over the fire abhors you…his wrath toward you burns like a fire; he looks upon you as worthy of nothing else but to be cast into the fire.”

56 Revivalists James Davenport of New York once preached to his audience for 24 straight hours. Old lights condemned the movement as violating the reason of the enlightenment. “sort of madness”

57 Impacts of the Awakening Decline of “Old light” groups such as the Quakers, Anglicans, and Congregationalists. Increase of Presbyterians, Baptists, and Methodists, all revival groups of the period. (American Protestantism) Samson Occam: Mohegan

58 Impacts of the Great Awakening Foundation of new colleges:  Princeton (New Light Presbyterians)  Kings College-Columbia (Anglicans)  College of Rhode Island-Brown (Baptists)  Queen’s College-Rutgers (Dutch Reformed)  Dartmouth (NH) Congregationalists Appeal to African and Native Americans, there was little racism in the movement, by 1790 most blacks were Christians Religious toleration, the new protestant movements were very willing to work together.

59 Chronology

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