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Economics CFA By Shivgan Joshi

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Presentation on theme: "Economics CFA By Shivgan Joshi"— Presentation transcript:

1 Economics CFA By Shivgan Joshi

2 Content Microeconomics Market Structure & Macroeconomic Analysis Monetary and fiscal policy

3 Microeconomics Elasticity Efficiency and Equity Markets in action Organizing production Output and Costs

4 Market strucure and,acroeconomics Perfect competetion Monolply Istic competetion and oligopoly Market for factors f production Monitoring jobs and price levels Aggregate supply and demand

5 Monetary and fiscal economics Money price levels and inflation Us inflation, unemployment and business cycle Fiscal policy Monetary policy An overview of central bank

6 Elasticity Elasticity of demand Elasticity of supply

7 Motivation

8 Resourcess

9 Efficiency and Equity Resource allocation methods Demand and marginal benefit Supply and marginal cost Competetive market

10 Market in action Housing Labor Tax Subsidies Illegal goods

11 Organizing production The firm and economic problem Technology and ecnomomic effecieny Information and organization Markets and firms

12 Output and cost Decesion time frames Short run technology constrains Short run costs Long run costs

13 Perfect compettion

14 Monopoly

15 Monopolistic competition & oligopoly

16 Market for factors of production

17 Monitoring job and price level

18 Aggregates supply and aggregate demand

19 Money, price level and inflation 4 services of depository Federal reserve Real money

20 US inflation, unemployment and business cycle Gdp vs inflation Business cycle Types of inflation Phillip curve

21 Fiscal Policy Made of federal budget Budget defeciet Tax wedge Laffer curve Ricardo Imbalance

22 Monetary policy 3 aspects FOMC Instrument rule Targeting rule Federal fund rate

23 Central banks

24 conclusion 501 pages

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